You Broke Her

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3rd POV

Y/n followed him all the way to a small clearing in the forest. Zen sat down beside a large tree standing tall in the middle with tons and tons of shade to cover them.
"Whoa.." Y/n mouthed to herself. She felt so at peace and safe here, like she could be anyone she wanted without worry or fear she could be taken. She slowly walked through the open area and felt the cool breeze blow through her hair and let it drift in the wind. As the prince watched the birds play, Y/n took off her mask and breathed in the sweet fresh air then smiled to herself and sat beside the Prince about a foot and a half away.
"So.. How has your-... Your..." the prince began but dosed off after he caught a glimpse of Y/n's glowing skin. He thought how beautiful and pink her lips were and how clear her skin was. She looked magnificent in his eyes. Like something he'd never seen before.
When Y/n finally looked back over to Zen she noticed how he stared at her raw beauty. This made her get a little embarrassed.. She blushed, brushing little pieces of hair out of her face which fell right back where it was from the start. She gripped the mask she had worn before and wondered if she should put it back on.
"Don't-.." The Prince smiled already knowing what she was thinking.
"Okay.." she mouthed with a little smile as she looked down at her hands which sat on her lap.
"How was your day today? Mitsuhide didn't give you any trouble right?" He chuckled. She shook her head no then started to write something. Zen looked over her shoulder as she did so then eventually moved closer to her side, almost touching.
"I tried on 3 outfits then took a much needed bath. The women did my hair too. How will I repay you, Prince Zen?"
"R-Repay me?" He blushed a little then gave a laugh.
I-I didn't mean like in fairy tales where the girl kisses the boy! Ah... but that's completely how it sounds..
"You already are" He smiled and patted the top of Y/n's head.
Y/n's face turned bright red. She'd never talked to a boy alone unless it was Obi, but Zen was different from Obi. Obi was like her brother but... Who is Zen to her? How could she know the answer to that when she's only met 1 other person her age out of all the years she's been alive. On missions it was an in-and-out type of thing. No time for talking to people... but now she has all the freedom in the world.
"I am?" She wondered on paper.
"Of course" he chuckled before continuing and removing his hand from her head, "You have my back and I have yours now."
That's right.. we're only working together now but it feels different from that somehow.
We sat together in silence while looking at the beautiful trees in front of us unknowing of what to say.
"Prince Zen, have you ever had any other friends than Mitsuhide and Kiki?" Y/n asked on paper trying to break her running thoughts and the weird silence.
As soon as she asked that question it brought down his mood.. "I did once.. But.. he died."
Y/n softened her gaze and stared at her notebook and moving pencil.. "I'm sorry, Prince Zen. I shouldn't have asked."
"N-No! It's fine ill tell you about him another time though... How about you? Have you met anyone other than that stupid cat?" He laughed.
"I wish" She wrote with a sigh and rolled her eyes then they both shared a laugh. "What's something you really want to do in life?".
"Hm.. I want to travel all across Clarines and learn more about it. Since im always stuck in that stuffy office i dont get a chance to go out and see my people much" Zen stared off into the mountains and wondered more about his kingdom.
"Is that why you were out near the boarder the day we met?" Y/n wrote rememering time he tripped and fell from that ledge.
"Haha, yeah but that place is more like a hang out spot for Mitsuhide, kiki, and i" he laughed. "What about you? What would you like to do?"
That question made her think.. yes, she had tons and tons of things she wanted to do now that she's free but they werent very important.. but she did have one thing in mind. "I think i want to make more friends and-" she paused hesitantly before continuing with her embarrassing wish. Zen watched her hands on the paper as she blushed struggling to finish her thought. "-fall in love..."

Zen's POV

"Isn't it everyone's dream to one day fall in love?" I asked feeling my face warm up.
"I don't know. Everyone's dreams are different and unique... mine are so plain though" she sighed as I read it.
"That's not true! Like you said, 'everyone's dreams are different and unique'. We all share that same dream when you think about it.. Don't we?"
She kind of just stared at me for a second before looking back at the paper in a hurry.

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