clothing?.. not a chapter

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(Warning, I didnt edit this bc im really scatter brained and hyper rn . Idk why so uh, here)

(Youre welcome for the pic at the top🙏)

Sorry about this. I really don't feel like editing chapters so instead I've been writing a ton of new ones. I know some of you freaked out the other day bc I accidentally posted a chapter. I deleted right away so you couldn't read it. It was 5 chapters ahead of where the readers are allowed to read (the actual posted chapters) so the chapter that I accidentally posted would have made no sense to you. Anyway, instead of a chapter I dres a picture of your princess regular day to day outfit. It sucks the more i look at it but i figured I should post something.
(HI, i have to add this in here bc i don't feel like going back and editing. I'm about to go ranting again be warned)
I imagined the dress a light lavender, maybe like periwinkle-

 I'm about to go ranting again be warned)I imagined the dress a light lavender, maybe like periwinkle-

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This was the color I thought of, idc if its hair dye. This is like one of my favorite colors so I put it on your dress but clearly the dress in the picture is darker so fuck my logic and go with whatever the hell you want- im sorry ik ranting again because my head is thinking to quickly for me to want to slow down and actually think stright. Maybe the Parker color is just dark periwinkle or lavener idfk. Could be a navy blue tho, thats a cute color too. Anything cute. Those sleever at the end tho are like actually black tho so yeah idk and the ribbon around your neck-.... Idk use your imagination it looks good in black and white. If i had the right colors to color this than I would but I dont bc im a broke girl im really sorry.

 If i had the right colors to color this than I would but I dont bc im a broke girl im really sorry

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It doesn't look very royal which sucks. Its too plain but I suppose it does fit the character of Y/n, she doesnt like the fancy stuff but she has to wear dresses. This is one of the puffier dresses I talked about in the story. She likes wearing a lot thinner dresses but because of the deal she made with the king she has to wear it. But she also gets to wear her swords so thatd what those two handle things are that are sticking out. They low key look like the male genitalia but we're not going acknowledge the fact.
But like- look at the sleeves. I love the look of puffy sleeves, idk why but I do so i put it on here and i also put on some like- Zen.. sleeves?.. like y'know how Zen's outfit has sleeve that hook around his middle finger at the end? I did that because its cute to be matching.
BTW those little scratches are actually the scars Y/n has from her head to neck. The one on the cheek and neck obviously but that all I put.
Also, I know the hair looks like doo doo but thats because I tried to bring those little pieces back so it could look like youre wearing the hair pin Zen got you at the festival but it just looks lame so whatever.
This is the best i have for now, I havent drawn anything in months soooo..
Also, I didnt like exactly draw this. I traced the model from another picture. It had this dress but its not- idk lemme just show you.

So I traced that and just like changed it and stuff idk

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So I traced that and just like changed it and stuff idk. I always feel bad when people see my designs and their like "omg you draw so well!" And im like "yeeeeeah"
I mean obviously I changed a lot but y'know idk I'm so bored
Sorry about my scatter brain, im all over the place rn
Some requested that I drew Rue earlier which is an amazing idea if I had any inspiration. Like, I have the idea of what he looks like in my head i just dont know how to convey it onto paper. I'm thinking of a mix of Mitsuhide, Obi, Raji, and mehiya (probably not how you spell his name but idc). Its a lot, it just goes back and forth between people.
ALSO- im writing like 7 chapters ahead and im passing myself off by making Rue the way he is. Like, hes got some tude-(attitude)- and I don't like it but i like how it escalates the story- okay ill stop spoiling now..
I kind of feel like a wreck rn because everything is all over the place and I just got my license after waiting half a fucking year bc of covid. Butttt I didnt have to take my driving test so that's cool. BUT WHATS NOT COOL IS MY OVER PROTECTIVE ASS PARENTS! I KNOE SOME OF YALL HAVE THEM TOO- anyway, my stories on wattpad are my escape. even if writting lame x readers is embarrassing im still doing it because i have no other joy in my life and this is the only thing that help me keep my mind active and my heart beating. Thanks, that was my ted talk.
Scoop i found out I don't need to feed my fish a lot. No wonder why I had to clean that damn thing so much-
I'm sorry, scatter brained again. I'm running purely off nothing but my mind is racing and I'm just writing a bunch of bs for you because I can commit to doing anything else because im stressed for no reason and well theres reasons but if I think about them than I'll probably wanna die so let's not.
Okay im gonna liek idk try to calm down. Thanks for reading:) almost at 15k and ik if I post another chapter than we'll reach it in like that day but im so mf lazy and hate reading those past chapters because they all sucked but i know yall will like them anyway ugh sorry, ranting again. Ill post eventually soon thanks for reading !

I cant believe i wrote over 1000 words already bc of my ranting but I feel better now, thanks everyone! I hope you're not too annoyed by reading whatever you stuck around for!

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