You stand, exiting the living room. Everyone stood still, confused of your sudden act. "Y/N, where are you going?" You felt different. This time you respond to Totty politely. "I'm going to check on Yumi. I'll be back in just a sec."

You went upstairs. As you walked towards her room, you began to feel something off. Your heart felt empty and grey.
(A/N: Spoiler alert: you can't feel a color)

You felt your eyes watery. You needed to cry silently. In reality, you just wanted to go somewhere to let all that pain out. Yes, you still wanted to check on Yumi, but that's because it's your duty as her mother-figure.

You can't help but think how much Kara works all day just for the benefit of his family while they do nothing. He's the one supporting the death rock from collapsing on them. And he would come back stressed out, sleepy, tired, frustrated, sad, and exhausted.

He is doing it all on his own, just like everyday. He deserves help. But you just don't know how to help him more. You don't wanna just take care of his queen. You also wanted to work hard for money. Enough money to buy what all of them needed. What they need to live. To live and experience happiness and support.

But then again, you keep thinking you are just barging in. That you are making Kara work more hours in order to pay for a bigger family. You hated yourself for making things worse. And soon, Kara will be tired of taking responsibility of an angel that turned out to be a greedy monster. He will stop loving you and you'll be alone again. You will live without a family. You will be stuck in Japan, isolated in a world that wouldn't allow love enter your life.

You didn't realize you were crying in front of Yumi. In fact, you didn't realize you had Yumi in your arms in the first place. You silently sob, not letting a huge wail out. You didn't want the brothers to see you like this.

You calmed down and went back downstairs, into the living room. There, you sit down on the couch. You felt disgusted having no tampons on yet. Luckily you had a long shirt on.

"Hm? Y/N? Are you okay?" Jyushi asked worried.

"Um of course Jyushi. Why wouldn't I be?" You hesitated.

"Your eyes look a bit sad and red. And your smile is turning into a frown very slowly." He explains.

"Huh?" You forgot to clean yourself up.

"Y/N, were you crying?" Totty asked. He sounded more curious than concerned. That little demon.

"No. " you said bluntly.

"You know, you can't lie to us. Especially when we have a cat hear." Ichi said. He was dead serious. He was petting ESP kitty, so it was a bit scary that the cat might expose you.

"My ey-eyes w-wer-were just wat-watery?" You stuttered. You tried to hold your tears back. You felt opened, naked, revealing stuff you don't want to show. You were getting exposed by yourself. You were getting weak, almost in defeat.

"You've been acting a bit weird. I think it's best if you rest and maybe you won't feel so stressed." Choro stated.

"Oh ok. I'll do that." You pass Yumi to Jyushi's arms. You were just thankful Choro said that on time.

"But please change in something else. You smell. You might have your period. That would explain a lot of things." Osomatsu blurted.

Everything seemed to stop. All eyes were on Oso and then on you. You were embarrassed, but most of all, furious. Freaking Osomatsu.

You walked to him and slap his face. You hit him hard enough that the slap echoed through the halls. Everyone was still quiet. And then it snapped to you. You realize you have just hurt Oso hard on the face. He has already went through some pain. And all because of you. You apologized nervously. Begging for forgiveness.

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