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Jungkook glares at you as soon as you enter his office. "Why didn't you say anything?" He asks you. You don't respond and continue to arrange his table. He yanked you towards him by your elbow. "Y/n, I'm asking you something."

You look down.

"Why didn't you do something? I know you could easily show them their place. Why did you keep quiet and tolerated everything?!"

"I liked how they touched me."

He stilled. "W-What?"

You smile. "What? Am I not a slut? Isn't that the definition of a slut? I loved the way they remarked about me and absolutely loved it when he humped me from behind."

"What are you saying?? Y/n?" He clutched on your shoulders being scared. "Maybe I should find some rich older men who would take me to their bed and use me as they want. Atleast I'll get money and the life style I want, right? Just like a gold digging slut you tagged me as?"

His eyes saddened as he left you. "Baby?"

"Why should I now save myself from men like them if you have already declared me as a slut? You yourself said I'm a slut so I'm trying to be one. If the person I loved with all my heart, gave him my firsts, bad mouthed me then why should I still bother?" You were now crying.

"Why am I even telling you this? I was just a fuck toy for you all this time. I'm the actual idiot here who thinks that you actually loved me all the time."

You push his hands away and walk out of the room.

"P-Princess......." He only sees your back getting smaller and smaller through his blurry vision.

And he knew at that moment that he had broken you completely.


The man in the mask repeatedly stabbed the guard in his stomach.

"Золотой! Отступление! Повторяю отступление!" (Golden retreat! I repeat retreat!) He continued removing his guts out like a mad man.

He was furious.

Furious at himself.

Jimin nearly puked the the sight of his guts hanging out. He pulled Jungkook to his feet. The man screamed. "Золотой! Вы должны остановить!" (Golden! You need to stop!)

He yanked him by his arm and made him run before the shutter closes trapping them forever. "Шуга! Голден был извлечен с раной в нижней части живота. Я повторяю-" (Suga! Golden has been retrieved with a wound in his lower stomach. I repeat-)

They both sped in the rainy night towards the van in the distance.

"How could you?" Jungkook received a harsh slap on his face as he sat on a chair.

"Yoongi at least let me treat-"

"No Jin. Let him hear this." The man growled before looking back at the whimpering maknae, his hair being pulled in his harsh grip. "How could you let your emotions get between your tasks? Isn't this the first thing we were taught while fighting? Not only you put yourself in danger but even jimin and then eventually all of us."

"It's ok hyung-"

Yoongi glared at jimin making him zip it immediately. "Even though you don't care about yourself, we do. And we won't like if you do something silly and kill yourself. That's the first time you've been stabbed in the last 7 years, am I correct?"



"My head wasn't in the right place."

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