"Whatever you say" I shrugged, snickering as we pulled up to two beautiful houses that sat next to each other. We stopped in front of a painting, "Is that this legend you claim to be besties with?" I laughed, pointing to the art. "Yes it is, and you better wipe that smirk off your face. Rick won't stand for people making fun of him" Cliff watched her with an amused smirk.

   "The way you talk about this man makes it seem like he's God. I'm gonna treat him like a regular guy, cause that's all he is" I smiled, stepping out of the car.

   I waited for my brother at the steps, allowing him to go in front of me. I flattened my clothes and adjusted my sunglasses as Cliff knocked in an odd pattern.

   The door swung open, revealing a gorgeous man. His skin was tan and his teeth sparkled. "Hey buddy" he pulled Cliff into a hug, squinting his eyebrows once he noticed my presence. "Well who's this little lady?" His face lit up with a smile as he shifted his gaze from Cliff to me.

   "This is my sister. She's gonna be moving out here so she's staying with me until she can find a place" Cliff explained yet Rick didn't seem to be listening.

𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑: Rick's eyes became glossy as he watched the younger Booth sibling. He admired her face, he declared her beautiful. She smiled on at him, inhaling his scent of expensive cologne. The two felt something when they looked at the other, almost like the world would end if they broke their gaze.

   "Well we should get going... right?" Cliff interrupted, nudging Rick. "Y-yeah we should" he swallowed hard, looking over at Cliff before walking past both of us and entering the car.

   I was sprawled out in the back, the boys lightly chatted in the front until I interrupted. "So where are we goin' anyways?"

   "Well, remember how I told you Rick's an actor? This big time casting agent wants to talk with him on how to... boost his career" Cliff paused before continuing, "the reason I drive him around is because—"

   "Ah ah ah... shhh" Rick stopped Cliff by putting a finger over his own mouth to signal him to stop talking. "Wait, now I've gotta know" I laughed, leaning forward.

    "No, you don't" Rick turned around, widening his eyes at me. "Cliff will just tell me when you leave anyway, big shot" I smirked, crossing my arms. Cliff laughed, turning to face Rick. "She's right"

   The three of us walked into the bar, taking a seat and ordering a drink while we waited for Mr. Schwarz to show up.

   Cliff ordered a Bloody Mary, Rick ordered a whisky sour and I ordered a Gin & Tonic. We all sipped at our drinks when suddenly a man with thick rimmed glasses walked up, patting Rick on the shoulder.

   "Rick Dalton, I would've recognized you from a mile away" the man beamed, smiling brightly. "It's m-my pleasure Mr. S-Schwartz" Rick placed his hand firmly in the man's as my brother and I watched from the bar, stirring our cocktails.

   "Schwarz" the man smiled, correcting Rick. I began to feel the second hand embarrassment for him. "God d-damnit, I'm sorry Mr. Schwarz" I could tell he was getting worked up, he began to ramble as he flailed his hands to apologize.

   "Is this your son?" Mr. Schwarz pointed over to my brother causing myself and Rick to burst out into a fit of laughter. "My son— this is my stuntman and my buddy, Cliff Booth" Rick introduced him proudly.

   "And I'm his little sister, nice to meet you sir" I waved from behind Cliff.

   "Wait for me outside?" Rick mumbled to Cliff causing him to nod. "We'll be there"

   Mr. Schwarz brought Rick over to a table in the dining section while Cliff brought me outside. "Why can't we stay in there... it's air conditioned... and there's alcohol in there!" I whined, slipping into the Cadillac.

   "I wanna listen to the radio, and plus... we can people watch. Isn't that more fun?" He smirked, tapping along to the song.

   We sat in comfortable silence for a little while before my curiosity caused me to open my mouth. "So... is Rick a big time drunk then? I mean, it must be pretty bad for him to get his license taken away" I bit my lip awaiting the answer as Cliff processed my question.

   "He drinks a lot" Cliff paused before going to speak again, "he gets happy when he drinks and— i like seeing him happy. But, sometimes he takes it too far.. he's gotten in a few accidents"

   My eyes widened, "a few?" Cliff nodded. "I worry about him. I know it tolls on him, I know he wishes he could stop but... addiction is hard" Cliff sighed, fiddling with his lighter.

   "I'm sorry I killed the mood" I looked down causing Cliff to shove my shoulder gently. "Shut up, you didn't kill anything" he smiled, raising the volume on the radio.

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