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(I just realized that Rock Lee when he was a kid could easily clap almost anybody in the RWBY universe. Raven, Winter, and Qrow included if he takes off his training weight. I'm open to discussion to whomever may see this.)

"So you 5 stood no chance against him And there seems to be a more animal like faunus in that section of the forest?" Ozpin asked them trying to process and stay calm. "Yes sir, that would be correct." His assistant said while team Stark was behind her not looking at Ozpin in the eye. "Have you any information on the enemy that could help further?" "Well the centipede like girl we found, he seems to care a considerable amount for her and vice versa." She said plainly. "Is that all, other than what you have told me?" She looked at the ground for a moment but looked back up and nodded No. "Ok, thank you. You may all leave now." STQR waved bye and Glynda nodded. He wouldn't see them for the rest of the day.

In the very same forest, (Y/n) sat on the ground legs out with his back to a tree and Alice sleeping peacefully on his lap. 'Poor child.' Stroking her hair his other *friend* came up to him with a small glare. "What are you doing?" Not stopping the hair stroking and looking up at her he smiled. "Just waiting for Alice to wake up. Just for your information she's like a sister to me. So don't go killing her or things you won't like will happen." Going back to Alice she began to stir and woke up but quickly shot up and looked around, including her lower half which had no sign of damage. Snapping to (Y/n) she gave him a big hug and began to slightly cry. Though she simply explained what happen as a horrible nightmare to which (Y/n) comforted her and explained he found her asleep near a dead beetle. A few minutes later she rose from the ground and looked at Grace with curiosity and small caution. "Uh, who are you?" Taking the opportunity she pulled (Y/n) from the ground and hugged his arm, pressing her large breasts on his arm. "Oh I'm his new girlfriend!" She had a smug look while Alice had a shocked one and hugged (Y/n) as well from the side then looked up at him. "(Y/n) what's the meaning of this?" She said with a shocked face. "Eh.. not much really. Well she likes me to a degree sooo.. yeah, she's sticking with us. Now." Breaking free from both of their grasps he walked a few steps and turned to them. "I sure do hope you two get along and no killing allowed, looking at you Grace." She let out a *tee-hee* he continued. "Also, if any of you ever get hungry either hunt for some food or call me. I've got you covered." Turning away from then he began to walk away. "I'm going back into the village to buy some things, like I said, don't kill each other or I'll kill you." Now gone the two looked at each other with glares.

It was starting to get late with the sun setting and all the students of Beacon beginning to get ready for bed to sleep and one more day of hard work. Ozpin was in his office finishing up some paper work and files. When he was done he took off his small glasses and rubbed his face as he remembered the current situation, suddenly he snapped his head up due to the sound of gushing wind.

A person with a black cloak, hood up, seemed to appear from nothing but the wind. "Hello?" The only thing Ozpin got in return was a swift 4 inch blade remotely controlled pressed on his throat and 3 glowing eyes looking at him from beneath the hood. "You've sent many many people to come and kill me Ozpin. Each and every one of them has failed. I really didn't mind it but once you got Alice involved in this, now, now I have a problem. A big one." The blade at Ozpin's throat was removed and simply orbited his head. "You finally show yourself..." This earned him a chuckle. "Yes I have. It's been a century or two has it not? Oh how you've changed." "And you as well." Ozpin kept a calm and serious face as he spoke. "I suggest you stop sending your little.. pests. Because if I have to see to Alice after she gets attacked by your men and women, well let's just say, this tower? Vale? Your people. You'll wish those two were the ones to do it instead. They'd do it nice and painless. I can't say the same for myself heh." The blade orbiting his head zipped to (Y/n)'s side and stayed floating there. "Well Ozpin. I sure do hope you don't do anything stupid after this. Also." The blade shot to Ozpin's stomach and sliced right in but came out quickly. "This is a threat, warnings are pretty dry when I use them on you." The blade wiped itself on Ozpin's clothes and went into (Y/n)'s cloak. "Hopefully I won't be seeing anything related to you anytime soon. Farewell Ozma." Like the wind his body turned to dust and disappeared into the night. Ozpin grunted and held his wound and waited for his aura to do its job which it did at a below moderate rate. 'I think.. I think I'll lay off of him for now.' He stayed slouched on his chair for the next 30 minutes. Waiting for his wound to heal to an acceptable amount.

"You took so long... where were you?" Tightening the bandages on his head he responded to Alice. "I said I was going to get some bandages, though the shop owner kept me due to me being a few coins short. Had to try and polish my bartering skills. As you can see, I got by." Walking up to her he gave her a small hug then turned to Grace who was looking away and had her arms crossed. He walked up to her and gave her a hug too. "Cursed swords sure are jealous." As he said this a strong gust of wind came by which threw small dirt in Alice's eyes making her close them and rub them for a period. In this (Y/n) gave Grace a french kiss which she tried to keep going far after Alice was done with her eye rubbing but (Y/n) pulled her hair back earning a lewd look from her and he only gave a small smile and stepped away from her, going into the woods, somewhere.


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