Cheer Up, Yeah?

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"Status?" A gray haired man asked a blond women tapping away at her scroll-tablet."Nothing... dead." She replied grimly. The man closed his eyes in anger but reopened them."Very well. See if you can hire anymore people." He ordered but she made an awkward face and stopped typing on her tablet."Sir.. why don't we just send in Actual huntsmen?" She asked a bit cautiously. "Because I don't want My men and women dying. One day we'll kill him with what we send him... one day." He responded with confidence. "You may stay or leave for the evening Glynda. I don't wish to stress you excessively." She nodded No and said she'd stay and work on finding better mercenaries.

As she continued to tap away our mysterious man was sitting on a rock shaped like a chair with his hood off but bandages still on. He seemed to be meditating, in his stillness animals began to come around with butterflies and some birds landing on him. Peace and quiet, no death, hatred, sadness. It was silent. Until a long blur lunged from the shadows and to a deer that was just chilling, The long thing coiled around the deer and began to bite into it's neck while keeping it still with it's long body, all the animals had made their escape while the man that was sitting on the stone chair sighed.

"Must you always come and ruin the peace and quiet I make women?" Said female was really an Oomukade or centipede women would be another correct name for her. She had the upper body of a nude girl with the long and creepy lower body of a centipede, the Amazonian Giant Centipede to be exact. Wiping the blood off of her mouth and extra mandibles to help her eat she.. uh walked? crawled? Made her way to the man and hugged him while wrapping her lower body around him and the chair.

"I can't help it, when you make such an appetizing meal appear I just have to take it!" She gave him a small kiss on the cheek which made him smirk a tiny bit and get up, she uncoiled herself and stood beside him, just short of him as standing that tall was uncomfortable and made moving hard.

"Why can't you just spread you wings? No ones ever gonna come this deep into the forest, you could at least be comfortable (Y/n)." She told him while hugging him. "Plus, even I like to be held as if I was a child. I'm always spoiling you." He gave her a kiss on the forehead and began to walk away without saying anything. "Hey! I'm talking to you! Stop ignoring me!" She yelled at him in annoyance.

"I just bought these bandages, I don't want to have to go back into the village and buy more." He finally responded making her puff her cheeks and go up to him which made him stop, she made herself taller than him and looked down on him angry.

"But it's for ME, at least once in a while wouldn't hurt. I'll get you new bandages after, sound good?"He chuckled which annoyed her further but before she could say anything he lightly pushed her centipede body making her almost fall over but she didn't, she simply went back to her normal height. "I rather not have the entire village take out swords and try and kill you Alice, haha." He kept walking with his hands behind his back with her following closely with her head low as she was thinking.

"I found another one...." She said a bit sad. He turned to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Where? We'll give them a proper burial." She turned and began to walk a different direction with him following closely, a few minutes of walking and they got to it. The dead body of one of Alice's kind. A mix of human and animal or plant. It appeared to be a female with a mossy green horse body as her lower half, she had stab, slash, and arrow wounds all over her lower half and some on her human body. Her horse ears were cut off as well.

"Simply disgusting someone would do this..." Bringing his hand up the dead body raised from the ground, with his other he pointed it at the ground and a giant block of dirt that was 8x12x12 in feet came out. Lowering her down he gently placed the body down and let the giant block of dirt down, removing any excess. Closing his hand hard and reopening it he had a seed throwing it on the ground it began to rapidly grow into a tree much like the ones around. Taking the blade on his forearm her wrote '-R.I.P to an unnamed female Centaur-' stepping back next to Alice he nodded and began to walk away.

"Come on Alice, let's go." She sadly nodded and turned around to go to his side but the sound of of wind rushing made her put her hands up and close her eyes, when she opened them she saw a pitch black 15 foot winged beast with a thin body but with very visible muscles and 2 big round eyes glowing red with a bigger one on its forehead but it was closed. It reached its slender hand which had only 4 long fingers with curved razor sharp claws to her. She smiled and put her hands up which made it grab her by the torso and bring her up, she coiled her lower half around its arm. It put her on its shoulder, she coiled her long 12 foot lower half around it's slender body and hugged its wasp like head. It opened and closed its mandible hard twice which made a loud Kuep-Kuep it held it's hand up and looked up which made all the branches from the trees move out of the way so it could go into the air.

"Onward!" hitting its mandibles hard again it crouched and jumped several meters into the air and opened it's wings and began to flap them and went up into the sky and stayed suspended. Alice cried in glee and looked all around her to see the beautiful green forest. "Thank you (Y/n), it's so beautiful!" She said hugging his head tighter and giving it a kiss. "Kuep" flapping his wing harder he went above the clouds and began fly at high speeds making Alice laugh and have a smile the whole time which really improved her mood from what had happen with the centaur. After an hour of high speed fun and another hour of calm flying he began to descend, making the trees' branches move out of the way again he landed with a small thud and Alice made her way down. 

When she was off, (Y/n) went back to his weakest form, human. His two eyes back to their original color. "You owe me bandages now Alice." She rubbed the back of her head and chuckled nervously and looked away. "I've got something for you by the way." She looked at him with curiosity and interest. "What is it?" Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a small silver ring and grabbed her hand and slipped it on to her ring finger. "This marks the day I saved you from those hunters all those years back." She looked at the ring and smiled while beginning to tear up a little bit. She gave him a tight hug while crying into his cloak. "There there, no need to cry Alice." Looking up from his cloak she nodded No. "I'll never be able to repay you for what you did (Y/n), thank you so so very much." Hugging her back he smiled. "Let us go now. You're hungry, are you not? Go and finish that deer you killed" He put a hand around her and began to walk with her hugging him and walking with him "Heh yeeaaah.." She said nervously but kept hugging him.


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