Breaking Point

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"Ozpin this is the 7th team of mercenaries we've sent, each and every one of them being better than the other by a large margin! We can't keep sending people to their death. Team Stark and Myself will go after this Thing and kill it." She said with annoyance but Ozpin only had his eyes closed. 

"Why not let my men go and handle it Oz?" A new face was amoung them, general Ironwood. He was here to discuss the animal in the deepest parts of the Emerald Forest. Ozpin looked at both of them and sighed through his nose.

"Glynda..." He paused for a moment to think. "Tell team Stark they have a new mission and you'll be joining them. Please be ready, you leave early in the morning tomorrow." He said with a bit of regret in his voice. "Thank you Headmaster. We'll be sure to kill this thing." She left while tapping away at the tablet in her hands. "What's the chance of them coming back alive Oz." He asked Ozpin but it was more of a demand as he was worried for his colleagues well beings. "She and team Stark are some of the best we've ever produced and with Summer and her silver eys..." He again paused to think. "I should have done what I just did a long time ago but something about this.. thing. Give me conniptions and a bottomless pit in my stomach..." He replied seriously. "Is the thing that bad.. do you think it might be on Her side?" He asked "No.. I think even She knows what it might even be. There isn't a single grimm in an approximate 6 mile radius of where it resides." This made the general gulp. "I see... I do hope for the best luck, my troop will be ready withing a day if you ever do call." He made his way to the elevator. "Goodbye Oz." He only got a nod as Ozpin was thinking.

"Aww come on (Y/n)! Just once?" She pleaded. "No." He responded in a cold tone. "Please?" She tried again. "No." And got denied again. "What if..." She began to work out a deal but- "No. Stop trying Alice, I'm not going to do it." She put on a...puppy-centipede face? He looked at it and looked away with a scoff. "Oh come on! I'll do whatever you say for a week, no Two weeks!" She said hopeful, he looked at her with a brow raised which gave her hope but- "You already do everything I tell you." She pouted but got a 'great' idea. "Well then I Won't do what ever you say! So HAH!" She exclaimed while pointing at him thinking she's won. "Then I'll see you around, you can keep the ring as a reminder." He got up and began to leave but she grabbed his cloak. "No please! Don't leave me!" He smirked and turned to her. "Then stop asking me to lick your poison glands just because some animals told you some stuff." She looked down. "Put they said it suppose to feel good or something..." She told him in a low voice, sighing he quickly turned around and pinned her on the ground, she became a blushing mess and froze. "Oh is that so? Maybe I will do it." Her lower half began to squirm. He brought his mouth to the purple pattern on her body and was about to run his tongue across it but quickly pulled away and got up. "Maybe when you're older, you're only.. what? 13." She pouted. "Oh yeah, well how old are you then?!" She said while getting up and crossing her arms. "Older than you, that's for sure." She had a face of disbelieve that he wouldn't say. He began to walk away as she only looked at him leaving. "I'm gonna go get some water." She only started angered and annoyed.

"Summer? You and your team have a mission directly form the Headmaster. I will be joining you." She said to Summer the leader of STRQ. "Oh ok, when?" "Tomorrow morning." She told her blandly. "How serious?" "Extremely. I'll tell you and the rest in detail while we get transported." "Ok." She hung up and went to go do what ever she was going to do.

(Time skip, morning)

5 huntsmen were getting into a bullhead and sat down opposite of each other. "So what's the mission?" A black haired man with red eyes asked. "Ozpin and myself have been trying to kill an animal or monster if you may that lives deep in the Emerald Forest. We've sent a lot of mercenaries but they've all died to this thing." She told him and the rest of Summer's team. "Oh.." "So any information on.. well anything really?" This time a black haired women with red eyes as well asked. "None at all Raven. Only that it's killed every one we've sent." Glynda replied rather grimly. The rest of the flight was Summer going over their plan on how to kill the monster. Once they got to the approximate territory of the beast they made sure to stay on guard. "Well guys, here we go. Remember (No Russian) watch each other's backs. We're going in blind." They all nodded and began to traverse the forest, not even 10 minutes in and they heard rustling. Being ready they were going to attack but a simple brown bunny came from a bush so they kept going along their way. A good half hour of walking and they still didn't find anything but wildlife, harmless wildlife. Some more walking and they began to hear talking, making their way to it rather quickly they found Alice. The reason they weren't freaked out was due to Alice keeping her lower half hidden in the cool shade while she was on the ground belly down watching some beetles fighting on the green mossy like ground while cheering on for them.

"You there!" Glynda called out making Alice snap her head up and unfocus  from the epic battle of two beetles were having and look up but soon become slightly scared at the humans with weapons. "What are you doing here? This forest is dangerous!" Glynda added. She tried to walk to her. "Stay away from me!" She yelled at them making Glynda stop very confused. Alice slowly began to get up with her lower half coming into sight. The team now knowing she was more than a faunus and brought their weapons up ready for a fight, thinking she was the beast but she was slowly going back with a scared look on her face and quickly turned and begin to run away, too scared to think of calling (Y/n) and simply run for her life.


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