𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 𝒮𝒾𝓍

Start from the beginning

Taking care of herself, from top to bottom, became a necessity. She would do and sacrifice anything to become a star. Which led to her stroll in the mall.

While she was walking through the rows, glancing at the shelves if she could spot her favourite soap, her eyes caught on a simple, yet beautiful diamond pendant. It was hung out on the sample rack amongst others, it wasn't the most beautiful or expensive but there was something about it that stood out to her.

Perhaps it was how simple and unique it seemed.

Or that it reminded her of herself.

Despite acting and seeming all badass and strong, inside, Doris was just a simple girl who craved for attention. She always longed to be cherished and appreciated like her twin. She was unique, she always knew but it seemed the reverse was the case to the people around her.

Her situation was similar to this diamond. Anyone who does not appreciate simple things will never value the pendant. Her heart was immediately drawn to that pendant.

She stared for a while and decided to buy it.

"How much for this pendant, Nne?" She asked the slender average-height dark complexioned lady, the sales girl.

"It's...," she paused to look at the price tag "... Seven thousand, six hundred and fifty-five naira Ma,"  the sales girl replied.

"Ohhh," she didn't realized when the word left her mouth. She had not expected something so simple to be so expensive.
"Thank you. Maybe sometime in the future, I'll get it"

The clerk offered her a smile that showed that she understood her predicament, before she turned to continue her work.

Doris made to continue with her journey when she bumped into a hard surface. Her eyes which closed as a result of the jolt, opened to see a tall guy who's dark skinned with broad shoulders looking down at her. Amusement was written all over his face.

He held her waist with both hands, in order to keep her steady.
"You know you can always get the necklace, I know you want it that bad. You just have to let us have a little fun with each other,"

He was now trailing circles on her waist, in an utterly despicable and shameless way.

"Thanks, but no." She tried to get out of his hold.

His grip tightened instead.

"Now, now, don't play too hard to get. I know you want it just as much as I do, so don't make things difficult for the both of us." He pulled her further into him, trying to grind her body against his hard one.

Doris was mortified. She looked around the mall, maybe someone somewhere was looking at them.
But no one was looking in their direction.

She continued wriggling her body from his hold but his grip was too tight.
Internally, she made up her mind to give him a resounding slap on both his cheeks should he continue harassing her like that. It did not matter that she has an image she should uphold, she wouldn't hold back to teach him a lesson of his life.

She raised her leg to shove him where the sun doesn't shine, but suddenly a voice spoke up, interrupting her actions.

"Let her go man, this clearly isn't the right way to do that," His voice spelt power and courage.

"She's my girlfriend man, mind your business!" The disgusting man retorted.

"Even at that, let her go or I will have you arrested for harrasment. I can show you the DPO's number if you want to see it." Her rescuer had spoken.

At the mention of DPO, he let go of Doris' waist and pulled away without a backward glance.

"Thought he said he was your boyfriend." His voice came up again. This time, sounding even closer to her.

She scoffed.

"I could never have a prick like him as one. I'd break up with him like the snap of the finger"

He chuckled at her comment.

She looked back at the necklace and he caught her gaze.

"So all these, because of a simple diamond pendant. Which is so bland at that," he stated.

She looked up at him. He was tall and dark in complexion as well.
But his facial hair looked unkempt and he was dressed in bland casual shirt and faded jeans. She doubted what he said about having the DPO's number.

It was just a trick to get that stranger away from her, and for that, she was grateful.

She looked back at the necklace and replied "Sometimes the most important things in life are the things we see as irrelevant."

"Thanks for helping me earlier. Ciao!" She walked away and didn't bother to look at him again.

"Why are you crying?"
That voice belonged to Matthew. He has managed to pull her out from the land of flashback with that one question.

She touched her left cheek and truly found a tear there. She wiped it out.

"It's nothing. I guess this whole thing is making me emotional and tired."

"Then lay your head on my chest, you can sleep before we arrive. We have a long way to go."

She did so without delay.

He rubbed her back slowly from up to down.

She looked at his face. She was still stunned that the man she was looking at now, was the same man who intervened in her matter six months ago.

That man was bland like he said, and looked unkempt and poor. This man before her screamed wealth, power and beauty. Now he was clean-shaven and she could easily spot the dimple-mark on his cheeks, which deepened whenever he smiled.

"I know I'm handsome. But you should get some sleep while you can, cause you won't be getting any when we land in Singapore." His gruff voice indicated that he was tired as well.

Having nothing to say to that, she gave in and snuggled closer to him. She did not know why, but she felt safe and relaxed around him. Especially after she remembered that she had an encounter with him before.


Did I do justice to this chapter?

QOTD: Do certain emotional events or situation make you shed tears?

AOTD: Yes. Whenever I read or write a chapter or scene that's emotional, I shed a tear. And at times when I watch an emotional movie.

Please vote comment and ask that question that's stuck in the deep recess of your mind.

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