𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓲𝓿𝓮

811 198 24

Dedicated to unmask_reader, thanks for being sweet ghost reader, lol. I caught you.

"A single lie discovered is enough to create doubt in every truths told." -Unknown


They left the house early so they could buy all they needed from the market, and also return in time for the post wedding ceremony. Raphael had mentioned after breakfast; that they were expecting some friends and well-wishers who could not make it to the wedding. They had arranged to come to the mansion to celebrate it and he had no say in it.

Martha decided to stay home and get the house ready for the incoming guests. Matthew and his father left to pick up the ones who do not know their way to the location of the house, while Doris and her mother in-law had to rush off to the market to buy some things.
As expected, Doris wasn't happy with the turn of events. She only planned to get some underwear, which included some panties and bra, but now they have been shopping for almost an hour and a half for things that are irrelevant as far as she was concerned.

"So tell me dear, what did you say you wanted to buy in the market?" Ruth wrapped her expensive yellow lace-like material tightly around her waist, while she carried her broad blue purse in her left hand.

Doris bit her lower lip, rubbed them together and replied, "I wanted to buy um... some... lingerie from a friend of mine who stays at Ikoro lane."

The older woman raised her brows, her small lips formed a knowing smirk in acknowledgement to the younger woman's words. "You should have said so then, maybe I wouldn't have kept you waiting. There's no harm done anyway, I'll just call the driver to come take the bags we have here and then we'll head over to her place. Okay?"

Doris nodded like a zombie. She suddenly regretted telling the woman that, how was she to get out of this one now?

The woman was a hyperactive one, even at her age she has never failed to behave like a younger version of herself.

"Wow baby girl! You're looking sweet!" An ebony skin lady gushed loudly from the counter, when she saw Doris walk into the shop. It has been a long time she saw the twins together but she knew about Dorine's wedding, and sadly, could not make it.

Doris' heartbeat changed it's rhythm as she walked closer towards the slim dark lady. If a doctor placed a stethoscope on her chest right now, he would become deaf. She forced a smile on her face in order to erase any suspicions, as Sarah might easily detect that something was amiss.

"How far naa? You didn't even bother to call and ask after me ehh, Sarah? Ígbukwa ezigbo enyì." She referred to the woman; who has already stepped out from the counter in order to hug her.

They embraced for a while and asked questions forth and back, Doris answered every question slowly and after thinking about it carefully. If there was one person in this shop who could distinguish between her and her sister, then that person was currently before her. Sarah has known the twins for a very long time; since they were still in the university to be precise, as they always hung out together during holidays or strike. It was going to be difficult to impersonate her twin now, but thankfully, her mother in-law was nowhere near and would not hear their conversation.

Sarah led her to one of the sections of the most sexy lingerie on display and they exchanged stories while she selected those which caught her interest. It was a good thing she knew her bra size, so fitting them on wasn't time-consuming. She separated the designs she liked from the ones she didn't and left the changing room. There, her mother in-law was chatting and laughing so hard at whatever Sarah was telling her.

THE SHAM BRIDE (COMPLETED) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat