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       I just want to say thank you to everyone that has read this story from start to finish and for baring in with me with a lot of mistakes that this story had. But I am grateful to anybody that has given me tips and ideas on how to improve and I am truly grateful for having you all for that.

This story I was wanting to work on making it longer and with more characters which I felt I did a good job on as my last stories were pretty short and lacked enough characters with personality. So, for my next story I hope on improving my composition and layouts of each chapter (example: starting a new paragraph every time someone speaks or has a new thought.)

For the inspiration for this story I actually got a lot of the scenery for the kingdoms and such from video games. The Aenon kingdom I took inspiration from the tutorial world for the ocean update in Minecraft along with Traverse, also West Gate from a world someone made in Survival Craft. 

The characters were based off some stupid story I uploaded to YouTube (now since deleted because it was pure cringe from years ago.) Those characters being Asa, Gordy, Kaiyu and Shiro from that and Yoko being an original character I originally drew as a One Piece OC, then she blossomed into her own character and thus Hizashi was born somehow from all that. Dorian I just wanted a character that was different from the rest and was more 'normal' so to speak and he was named after a character from a web comic I used to read. Sirene was based off Shirahosi from One Piece as I found her personality fitting for some reason and I only imagined Sirene being like Shirahoshi. Taura I wanted a villain that was manipulative which I sort of should when it came to Dorian and Asa (although I think I need to work on my villains motives and all.)

Lastly, the weapons I also thought up from playing Minecraft and evolved it from there as Loyal Riptide was a trident enchantment you could get in the game. And once I got that enchantment and saw what the trident could do I was in love. Thus, was the birth of the title of this story and furthermore how this story was created.

One final note is that this story wouldn't have been possible without many hours spent in the shower as I thought over everything at least a million times. And I would like to thank and apologize to the water bill for that.

Thank you!

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