It hurt a lot at first, even though deep down I knew their words weren't true. No one wanted to be friends with me, and as a result, I was excluded from a lot of gatherings and hang outs. I unofficially became an omega within the pack. Slowly, they began to take advantage of me and my mental vulnerability. I was given extra chores and a lot of kids forced me to do their schoolwork.

And it sucked.

I spent many nights crying in Uncle Eddie's arms as he rocked me back and forth, telling me I was a princess and that they didn't know what they were talking about.

But I didn't feel like a princess.

I shifted by myself at 16. That time there was no support group for me. It was just Uncle Eddie that held and soothed me as every bone in my body broke in our tiny bathroom. A royal shift is ten times worse than an average one because due to the power of our wolves, we feel everything. Every snap, every rearrangement.

It had lasted seven hours for me.

With no help from my deceased family or pack, I was forced to endure the pain on my own without the help of anyone else's wolf.

It was the worst pain I had ever endured.

Or so I thought.

Jason pushed past me, shoving my shoulder in the process, causing me to hiss out in pain as he hit the bite from my mate. It was healing, but slowly due to my exhaustion.

"You know you don't even need this," he sneered, taking my plate from the microwave. "You probably have such a small appetite without a wolf."

"Are you kidding? Look at how fat she is," one of the girls spoke out in disgust. "You're doing her a favour by eating it."

I could feel my wolf clawing at me to come out, her anger growing as they laughed at me. She wanted to teach them a lesson and put them in their place, but I shoved her down. They weren't worth it.

My food, however, was.

I grabbed the plate from Jason, giving him a cold glare as I did.

"I've seen the way you eat Jason, and quite frankly, it's extremely unattractive. I truly pity the girls you go down on because it must be a slobbering mess. Perhaps that's why you can never do the same one twice," I clicked my tongue as Jason's face turned bright red. "It's a good thing you have a mate that'll be forced to stick with you though!" I finished off in a cheery tone.

"And luckily no poor guy will have to suffer being your mate," interjected the one voice that could literally give me cancer on the spot.

Valerie entered the kitchen with a smug look on her face, coming to a stop in front of me.

"Awww, is someone grumpy because she still hasn't found her mate?" I cooed in a baby voice. "This is the fourth year you've come back from the ball empty-handed. Maybe the Moon Goddess is trying to keep him away from your wretched personality."

Valerie snarled in anger, reaching out in a flash as she took my plate of food and dumped the contents all over me.

I stood there in shock for a few seconds, my jaw slack at what she had just done. My wolf was livid, thrashing under my skin at the disrespect. Sauce was dripping off my head and clothes, running a trail down my face while spaghetti hung in my hair.

Valerie snickered as she put a hand over her mouth. Everyone else roared with laughter, pointing fingers and clutching their stomachs.


That did it.

I took as much spaghetti off my head and flung it at her face before she could utter another word.

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