Chapter 6: *sigh* It's only Tuesday

Start from the beginning

It was almost done, just needed the sources to be put in MLA format and everything, which Midoriya planned on doing the next night.

Everyone went to bed, Midroiya made sure Todoroki made it to his room and got settled before going to his own and quickly falling asleep. 

The next morning, Midoriya woke up a little earlier than usual. He wanted time to get ready himself and make sure Todoroki got ready on time. Like, he's pretty sure his friend is still mentally fifteen but that was more of an educated guess if anything. 

He headed upstairs, passing a few other students who had already gotten ready and were going down to grab something for breakfast. 

He gently knocked on Todoroki's door, hearing a phone alarm going off from inside the room. When he got no response, he went ahead and cracked the door open. 

Todoroki was curled up on his bed with his pillow covering his head. Midoriya just smiled, walking over and dismissing the alarm. 

Todoroki, surprised by the alarm suddenly turning off, poked his head out from under his pillow. He spotted Midoriya and blinked a few times, kind of confused, "Oh, good mornin' Mido'iya. Tanks." He mumbled, sitting up. 

Midoriya smiled some and rose one of his eyebrows, "Why didn't you just turn your alarm off??" He asked, watching as Todoroki stood and walked over to the grocery bag to pick out the outfit for today.

"Mm...di'n't know whish button was whish." He answered, pulling out a half sleeve baseball-style shirt and some jeans. 

That just confused Midoriya more, "One says 'Dismiss' and one says 'Snooze'." He pointed out. 

Todoroki glanced over, blinking a few times, "Oh." He mumbled.

Midoriya narrowed his eyes some, "Todoroki, could you not read the buttons?" He asked slowly. Maybe their whole mental reverting process has started. 

"G'ess not." Todoroki said quietly, taking off his shirt with a bit of difficulty and slipping on his new one.

Not gonna lie, it kind of scared Todoroki that he didn't realize he couldn't read something on his phone. He didn't even realize it was something that was meant to be read. It just looked like the language on his phone switched to something completely incomprehensible. Thinking back now, the numbers in the time didn't seem to mean anything either. Like they were just random symbols. He knows he should be able to read but it's just like his brain can't understand what all those symbols mean anymore. 

But, at the same time, he didn't seem to mind any of that. Honestly, all that was prodding around in his mind was that he really wanted some apple juice. 

Todoroki let Midoriya help him brush his hair and brush his teeth. Todoroki couldn't exactly see in the mirror or reach the sink or even squeeze the toothpaste out of the tube. It was kind of embarrassing but it had to be done. 

They headed down to the kitchen and, much to Midoriya's surprise and kind of amusement, Todoroki immediately made a B-line to he fridge. He practically threw the door open and grabbed the giant jug of apple juice, holding it with both arms against his chest. He couldn't reach the counter or table to set it down so he just kind of stood there for a moment, contemplating how exactly to get this juice into a cup and ultimately into his belly. 

Midoriya giggled, "Want me to pour that for you?" He asked. 

"Sure." Todoroki answered quietly, letting Midoriya grab the jug and set it on the counter. 

As Midoriya poured, Kirishima and Bakugou walked in. Midoriya snapped a lid onto the cup and stuck a straw in before handing it down to Todoroki. Can't be too safe. Considering it's obvious Todoroki's starting to revert to being a true three year old, Midoriya didn't want him spilling juice all over the place. 

"Hey Kacchan," Midoriya said as Bakugou managed to climb up onto the counter to get into the higher cabinets. He wanted his damn granola bar and he was getting it by himself goddammit. 

"Eh?" He asked, still not fully awake and alert.

"Can you still read?" Midoriya finally asked.

Bakugou glared at him, "Yeah." He answered defensively, jumping down from the counter.

"What's this say?" Midoriya wondered, holding up the back of a cereal box. Bakugou snatched it with a 'tch' and grumbled some annoyed curses as he looked at the box. 

And then he went silent.

Kirishima was grabbing a strawberry poptart as he watched, curious about what was happening.

"Kacchan...?" Midoriya said quietly.

Bakugou's face turned bright red in anger as he gripped the cereal box, staring intently at the words on the back. 

He didn't know what it said.

He knew there were words there but none of the symbols or combinations made sense in his head. 

He couldn't read.


A/N: Bum bum BUUUUUM

Wow two chapters in this short amount of time! 

Hope you're liking it! I'll try to do another doodle chapter soon!

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