Chapter 4: Tiny Classmates

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Kirishima helped Bakugou down from the bed, much to Bakugou's dismay, and they headed out to the hallway. Todoroki had calmed down by then, just fiddling with a loose hem at the bottom of his shirt. 

"D'amatic much?" Bakugou commented as he passed. 

Midoriya furrowed his brows some. Jeez, he didn't have to be so rude. Midoriya's sure soon enough Bakugou's gonna have his own little breakdown. It's gonna reach a boiling point for him eventually, it's just a matter of when. 

They got back to the classroom and Aizawa was getting off the phone as they entered. 

"Got some bad news." He began.

"Oh no." Midoriya mumbled. 

"The girl who did this apparently experienced some blunt force trauma to the head," Aizawa explained. Bakugou glanced away, knowing he was the reason for that, "And now she's in a coma." He stated, pursing his lips some and taking a breath, "And they don't know when or if she'll wake up." He finished, finally glancing at the boys. He knows that's gotta be some hard news to hear but someone has to give it. While he tries his best to be apathetic and distant, he can't deny that he's really come to legitimately care for these kids. No matter how idiotic they all can be at times. Whenever something happens to them, he feels responsible and it just makes him determined to protect them with everything he's got. But, of course, he can't always do that.

The four stood in silence as they all took in what they were told. 

It felt surreal.

Bakugou's face began turning red with anger, "Jus' tell 'em to wake 'er up!" He demanded, breath starting to quicken, "I-I can't be s'uck 'ike dis!" He shakily yelled. He glanced up at Deku. The pathetic quirkless kid he used to bully. The kid who's now bigger and more powerful than him. Bakugou clenched his fists as his eyes began welling up with tears. If...if this can't be reversed, he'll be in Midoriya's shadow. This....this can't be happening. 

Midoriya felt a little conflicted. Like, on one hand, ha, who's being dramatic now? But, on the other hand, he can't imagine how devastating this is. To basically have your life derailed and not know if it can ever be put back on track. 

Especially if all their memories disappear like Recovery Girl said so.

That's honestly terrifying. 

Kirishima went to place a reassuring hand on Bakugou's shoulder but Bakugou just turned and stomped off, wanting to just get out of here to clear his head. 

But then the door slid open.

Guess other groups were getting back from their exercise. 

And, of course, nobody was expecting a tiny child to be in the way. So someone inevitably bumped into Bakugou and he was knocked to the ground. 

Which didn't help his whole emotional state right now. 

So he just started loudly sobbing. 

It'd be heartbreaking if he wasn't just being an ass. 

Kirishima felt his heart drop and was about to go over to pick him up when Uraraka, who'd just entered, scooped him up and started bouncing him.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!!" She told him. She didn't know yet who this child was or why he was here so all she knew was that she kicked a kid and made them cry, "I didn't see you there, little guy." She continued, gently patting his back. 

Bakugou just continued to sob, fists held tightly onto Uraraka's hero suit. He'd never admit it, but he really did feel comforted by being held like this. But that thought just made him more upset because he just wanting to be big and strong again. He hates feeling so pathetic. 

"Um, whose child is this?" Tsu wondered, peeking out from behind Uraraka and placing a finger on her chin. 

"That's Bakugou." Aizawa stated. 

Both girls' eyes went big in shock.

"B-Bakugou?!" Uraraka exclaimed, pulling her head back some to get a better look at the child in her arms. I mean, he's got the same hairstyle and same ash blonde hair for god's sake. The most hot-headed kid in the class is sobbing onto her shoulder. She didn't even know Bakugou could cry (EDIT: used to say "cy" because i don't proofread lol, also i need to start handing out prizes to people who spot these). 

Tsu turned her attention to Midoriya and the kid he was holding, "Is that Todoroki?" She asked with a ribbit, noting the familiar hair style and split color. 

Midoriya nodded, glancing down at Todoroki who was just kinda staring into space, "Yeah, they got hit by a quirk when we were out." He answered.

"And we don't know when they'll be back to normal." Kirishima added, watching Bakugou sadly. He wishes there was something they could do right now but guess they'll just have to wait it out. And hope that even when Bakugou and Todoroki forget everything like they're actually three years old that this all can still be reversed. Please just let this be an easy "undo" kind of thing. Kirishima doesn't want to have to live the rest of the life over a decade older than the person who'd become his best friend. 

After a moment, Bakugou's crying subsided and he was just sniffling, face hidden in Uraraka's shoulder. 

Everyone was surprised he was still tolerating being held. 

"Uh, Bakugou, I need to change back into my uniform." Uraraka pointed out. He took a little breath before letting go of her. She set him down and he headed over to his desk, trying to hide his red tear-stained face. He just climbed up into his chair and put his head down in his arms on the desk. Overall, he was just too embarrassed to do anything else. 

"We should probably go change too." Midoriya told Kirishima. Kiri nodded and grabbed his little suitcase with his uniform before heading out to go change. Midoriya carried Todoroki to he back where his desk was and set him down in the seat, "I'll be right back." He told him. Todoroki seemed pretty indifferent to being set down, just reaching into his desk to pull out a notebook. As Midoriya walked away, he could hear Todoroki tearing the paper. Hmm. Wonder what he's doing back there. 

Once he got his uniform back on and came back, it was abundantly clear. He was folding origami. Midoriya giggled some, both out of amusement and confusion. But also because he could see the slightest hint of a smile on Todoroki's face. 

"I didn't know you knew origami." Midoriya commented, picking up one of the little paper boats. It was a little crude but come on, how about YOU try folding paper with uncoordinated little toddler hands. 

"It''ming...." Todoroki mumbled softly, setting another finished boat onto his desk. It was just a nice little repeated task that helped him calm down. 

Midoriya smiled as he continued to watch. 

"Hey, you two can still read, right?" Aizawa asked. Bakugou raised his head some to glare at his teacher. 

"Fuck you, of cou'se I can." Bakugou grumbled. He still planned on taking notes too. Though, he imagines he'll have to be even more concise than usual considering his downgrade in motor skills. Ugh. This is so annoying. 

Eventually, the rest of the class returned. A few of them noticed the change in two of their classmates while others seemed completely clueless. 

Once everyone was seated, Aizawa stood up at the podium and continued today's lesson plan as if nothing was amiss. 

"Oh, and by the way, if you haven't noticed, Todoroki and Bakugou have both been affected by a quirk, please don't make them cry. It's annoying." He pointed out to the whole class.

This led to a lot of chatter, confusion, and many people "oo-ing" and "aw-ing" at how cute the two most powerful students were in their current tiny state. 

Aizawa sighed. 

Maybe he should've just kept his mouth shut.

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