Admit it

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I admit, it would take me more than a decade to forget you. I'd still recall your face whenever I look in front of the mirror. I'd still look for you in every little detail of the scenes and seams. I'd still feel your warmth next to me whenever I look at the empty space beside me. I'd still feel your eyes behind me as I walk alone in the path that you no longer chose to walk on.

I admit, it would take more than a decade for me to finally let go of you. I'd still wake up in the middle of the night, covered by a blanket of sadness and longing. I'd still look at the moon and ask the stars to bring you back. I'd still check my emails thinking that one day, you might've missed me or randomly called.

I admit, I still want you. Even if decades, centuries, or millenniums pass, like a fool, I will utterly, selfishly, completely be in love with you.

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