Toshiro x Reader

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~~ it's really short, I'm sorry!!~~

"For the last time, Y/N, I'm not gonna make you an icicle!"

"But Toshiro!"

"That's Captain Histugaya to you! God, you're almost as bad as Rangiku."

"I heard that!" You whined. You lay in the middle of the room, panting from the heat. "It's so hot..." you complained.

~time skip~

Rangiku clapped her hands happily. "Y/N, let's go to the beach!

You groaned at the thought of moving around.

"C'moonnn Y/N, think of the water!" She happily convinced you further. She leaned into your ear, "I convinced Captain Hitsugaya to come~ think about it, Y/N~"

You let your mind wander, before agreeing to go. "One issue, I don't have a bathing suit," you told her.

"Borrow one of Momo's!"


After picking a swimsuit and changing into it, you and Rangiku met up with Toshiro. Of course, Rangiku also brought Gin Ichimaru.

"Hiiii!!" Rangiku ran to Gin. "Let's hurry and get there!"

You stood there timidly, staring at the undressed Toshiro.

"First time I've seen you without your captains coat, Captian Histugaya."

"If we're going to have a casual beach day, then just call me Toshiro," he looked away, slightly red. "First time I've seen you in a bikini, Y/N."

I turned bright red, attempting to cover myself with my arms.

~yet another TIMESKIP~

"Y/N~aren't you gonna get in the water?" Rangiku whined.

You sighed, shaking your head.

"Rangiku, leave her be. She just got out 10 minutes ago," Toshiro replied for you.

"Thank you, Ca- I mean, Toshiro."

"No problem..."

Rangiku was now in your face. "I dare you two to kiss~ you guys clearly understand each other~"



Toshiro, who quickly thought of a plan, interfered. "If we go into that changing room and kiss without you, will you be happy?"

"Hmmm. I guess that's good enough~"

Toshiro took my arm, dragging me into the changing rooms.

"... so, are we actually...?"

"Only if you want to..." Toshiro replied.

You gave a shy nod. "I wouldn't be opposed to it..."

Toshiro cupped your cheek, pulling you in. His lips brushed against yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and you deepened the kiss.

Before things could escalate, a camera flashed in your direction.

Pulling away quickly, Toshiro was as red as a cherry. "Rangiku! I'm going to double your paperwork!"

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