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The drive to Luke and Jake's was quiet. He had alternative music playing softly and his window cracked the slightest bit, letting in the sound of wind.

"Why don't you like me?" He asked breaking the silence.

I shook my head, "I do like you."

"You act different when I'm around." He continued on.

I sighed, "I heard you say you guys didn't have space for me. It made me feel like you didn't want me around, like I was ruining something."

He stared at the road and laughed, "I knew you were awake, nobody sleeps that long, not even me."

I stiffled a laugh, "You got me."

It was quiet again until I asked, "How did you meet Luke?"

Jake grinned, "High school. We had the same schedule freshman year and basically were forced to be best friends. I knew he was annoyed by my constant talking, but I loved, no correction, I still love, annoying the hell out of him. I never expected to be friends with someone like him, he was actually my first best friend. I grew up in a bad neighborhood, didn't have much money or love, Luke gave me someone to be with."

I nodded, "Thats why you didn't understand Oakwood. You thought I was stupid for wanting to die when I had so much. I always had everything I wanted growing up, and more. Except I never had love. There was my grandma, but she died when I was eleven, and then after Chris lost Amy, he left me too."

"I'm sorry about that. I really didn't even try, she just threw herself at me." He laughed, "Luke has given me so much, and he's always going to be my best friend."

I nodded looking out the window as we pulled up to the house. Luke was sitting outside on the step of his porch. As soon as he saw the car he jogged towards us. Jake put the car in park and looked at me before hopping out, "I didn't mean what I said the night you got here, I do want you to stay, Brooklyn."

"Give me the keys." Luke said putting his hand out. Jake ignored him and he yelled, "She needs me, Chris can't take care of her."

I pushed the door open and said his name. He immediatly spun around and looked at me with a grin, "Brooklyn."

I smiled and held my arms out for a hug, "I'm sorry about what I said, I didn't mean it."

"It's okay." He whipsered hugging me tightly, "Just don't leave again."

I thought for a moment before replying, "I won't."

"You won't what?" He laughed looking at me.

"I won't leave."

Aww. If you didn't get this reference, it's from the first night Brooklyn was with them. Luke said she could leave if she looked him in the eyes and said she wouldn't try to kill herself again, and she said I won't, he then said you won't what? So yeah I thought that was cute.

I hope you guys are enjoying this story and don't think its moving too quickly. Please vote if you enjoy it and leave me feedback and suggestions in the comments.

Thanks so much for reading<3


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