twenty-two, conclusion

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THE LAST CHAPTER!!! OMG guys I'm tearing up writing this. Two years of writing this story on and off, and its finally over! This is a long chapter because its like a bunch of mini segments explaining all the last details over time. Let me know if a sequel is wanted :)

 Once we got back to the house, I told Luke I was going to take a shower and he said he was going to make dinner. 

I had never felt this happy and comfortable. Luke really cared about me. He even loved me. I had only been with these boys for a little while, but it was the best time of my life. I never want to let this day go.

After my shower, I got dressed up more than usual. I wore a nice, but everyday, black t-shirt dress. I even put on some light makeup and loosely curled my hair. When I went downstairs, I saw the room lit with candles and food that smelled delicious was placed on the table.

Luke grinned at me, "Bon appetite."

"For me?" I asked jokingly. I couldn't believe how beautiful everything looked.

He nodded and we sat down and ate. We talked about so many things and laughed the night away. At the end he said, "Stay with me forever."

"We have to move on at some point." I sighed. We couldn't be the three musketeer best friends living together forever.

He shook his head, "We can live together, be a couple, eventually get married and have a family. It can be amazing."

My mouth fell open. The thought of anyone wanting a life with me never occurred to me, and i never expected it would be someone as perfect as Luke.

"Brooklyn, just say yes. I want to always be at your side." He continued 

I nodded and tears formed in my eyes, "Yes. I want to stay here forever."


Luke and I spent the week together while Jake was with his family bonding. We stayed up late at night laying on the couch talking. We spent the days watching movies or going out to the park or shopping. We spent the mornings cuddled up together.

When I called Cassie and Mel, their reaction was exactly what i expected.

"OMG, Brooklyn have you been living under a rock? Where have you been the last week?" Cassie yelled as soon as she answered

Mel filled in, "Probably avoiding your hyper butt."

I laughed at them, "So great news. Luke and I are officially together and I'm officially moved in for good." 

"No way!" Cassie said excitedly

"Happy for you, but we still get our time with you." Mel informed me

"Yes, of course. I'll need time away from the boys so keep your phones on for emergency girl dates." I joked back

Cassie responded, "I call dibs on you every Saturday night."'

I shrugged, "Sure guys. I gotta go, see you Saturday!"

"Love you!" They both yelled before hanging up


When Jake came home and told us everything was good at home, we decided to break the news to him.

"So the night you left something happened." Luke told him

Jake looked at me worriedly, "Did you do something bad?"

I shook my head, "No, no. This is a good thing... well at least to us it is."

Luke explained, "We both realized we love each other. Or at least we told each other it then."

"I told you not to bond too much while i was gone!" Jake pouted

I smiled, "Sorry, Jakey-poo."

He winked at me, "I'll always know I'm the one you really love."

"Anyways," i continued, "I've decided to move in forever, officially. We're officially a couple."

Luke put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to him, "Everything is going to be okay now."

Jake nodded, "I'm happy for you two.. On one condition." 

"Huh?" Luke and I both said simultaneously 

"I get to be called Uncle Jake by your kids."

We all laughed the night away talking about our future.


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Luke asked me as we sat in his car outside of my house.

I nodded, "I can't avoid them forever. I need to talk to my parents and Chris." 

The three of us got out of the car and walked up to my  front door. It had been a few months since i was last here, and it didn't feel any more inviting than before

I slowly knocked on the door and waited. My mom answered it and didn't give me a chance to talk before pulling me into a hug, "Brooklynn, sweetie! I've been so worried."

"Worried?" I questioned pulling away

She nodded, "Your brother told us all about what happened. How you ran away from home and tried to jump off the bridge. Are these the boys that saved you? Have you been staying with them?"

I was shocked. I didn't expect Chris to tell my parents anything, or for them to care or listen.

"Yeah. This is Jake, my best friend, and Luke, my boyfriend." I said pointing to them

"Boyfriend? I didn't realize it was more than a friendship.. I've tried calling your cell multiple times but never got through." My mom told me.

Chris's voice came from behind my moms body, "Who are you talking to?"

When he saw me he froze. I didn't know what to say to him. The last time we talked he told me he had wished I had actually died.

"Brooklynn." He said running to me and pulling me into a hug. He started to cry, "I'm so sorry."

I held onto my brother tightly. This was a moment I never imagined in my whole life.

"I didn't mean any of the things i said to you. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to break the snow globe." He apologized rapidly.

I smiled at him, "Chris, its okay. I'm okay now."

"What changed?" He asked

I looked at Luke and Jake, "They did."

Jake's face was stern and angry looking at my brother. I knew the two would never get along.

"Thanks." Chris said focusing on Luke.

Luke nodded and held my hand, "She's the most amazing girl in the world."

Chris nodded, "Can I come visit you sometimes?" 

"Of course." I told him

Jake huffed behind me and my mother said, "You three feel welcome here any time. I'm so sorry for making you feel unwanted, Brooklynn. You're my only daughter. I should have cared for you better."

"It's okay, mom." I said with a smile

"We love you." She told me.

"I love you all too." I said looking from my mom, to Chris, then Jake, and ending with Luke.

I was finally okay.

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