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"I'm driving Brooklyn up to her house to get some things, we'll be back in a bit." Luke told Jake grabbing his car keys.

I had switched back into the clothes I was wearing the night Luke saved me because the shirt he gave me hardly covered my body. Jake put his hand up, "Wait a minute, what if I want to go?"

"Why would you want to come?" Luke puzzled

Jake smirked, "To prank Chris."

I shook my head, "Stay here."

"You don't tell me what to do." Jake pouted like a kid, "I'm coming."

"Fine, just be quiet and if you aren't out when we are, you're being left behind." Luke shrugged.


"You live in Oakwood? Why the hell would you try to kill yourself if you have so much money?" Jake gasped.

Luke cleared his throat, "Money doesn't create happiness."

I pointed to Luke, "He's right."

We parked the car outside my house and I explained, "My dad is probably out at work right now, mom would be in her office. As long as we're quiet nobody should notice."

"We're breaking into your own house? That's stupid." Jake laughed.

I shrugged, "If by any chance they found out I'm "dead" then they might care, and if they see me I wouldn't be able to leave the house ever again."

I pushed the front door open and stepped inside, Luke and Jake following close behind me. I tiptoed up the stairs and down the hallway to my room.

"Where's Chris?" Jake whispered looking around.

I pointed to his room, "He's still asleep, be quiet."

I slipped into my room where I saw something that completely surprised me, I let out a gasp when I saw Chris passed out on my bed.

"Why is Chris in here?" Luke asked equally as surprised as I was.

I stepped closer to my brother and saw bottles of beer around him and his face tear stained.

"He cares." I breathed looking at the note I had written still laying on my dresser, but this time unfolded.

I shook my head and tried not to think about it. I wouldn't fall for Chris's stupid tricks. I knew if I stayed he wouldn't actually change, he was forever heartless

I grabbed a duffle bag from my closest and shoved in random clothes. Jeans, leggings, sweaters, t- shirts, tank tops, bras, underwear, sweats, socks, a jacket, and my makeup bag and hair brush. Luke was looking around my dresser, he picked up one of my snow globes and shook it up, smiling.

"I used to collect snow globes when I was little." He told me

I smiled, "I did too, as you can tell."

He went to set it down, but knocked another one off while trying, causing a loud smash.

Chris flipped up and looked around groggily. He wiped his eyes and looked at Jake, "What the hell are you doing in here?"

I tried to step towards the door quietly, but Chris saw me.

"Brooklyn? You're, I thought, aren't you dead?" He stuttered.

I walked over to Luke and grabbed his hand before running out the door. Chris yelled for us to stop, but I wouldn't. I didn't want to be here, this was the family who wasn't even a family. These were the people who made me want to kill myself.

"Jake, come on!" I yelled hitting on Chris's door.

We couldn't stop and wait though, I had to get out.

Once Luke and I were outside, Chris stopped yelling. I wondered why he stopped as soon as we were outside, but then Jake came out and it got loud again.

"Don't you ever come back here, I'll kill you." Chris screamed running after Jake

I stepped in front of him and looked at Chris. The brother who I thought had no feelings at all was now angry and crying.

"What is the matter with you?" I questioned

"Him, that.. scumbag," Chris pointed at Jake, "He's the one who took Amy away from me."

Amy Rivers, my brothers first and only love. Freshman year of high school until junior year they were always together, madly in love. He didn't mind my parents not loving him, because he had Amy. But then she left him, and he turned dark.

I looked at Jake, "You're dating Amy?"

"It was like a two month thing." He shrugged, "I don't see the big deal."

I shook my head, "You're the reason why Chris is so broken...You're the reason why I'm so broken."

Luke grabbed my arm, "Brooklyn, stop. It isn't his fault."

I shook my head, "Let go of me. I'm not staying with you two."

"I'm not letting you stay here. You'll kill yourself." Luke warned

I laughed, "And then all your time would be wasted, right? You don't care about me, you care about pretending you saved your mom."

"Hey, shut up." Jake said sternly

Chris lost it then. He tackled Jake to the ground and hit him, hard.

"You don't talk to my sister like that!" Chris yelled continuing to hit Jake

Luke shoved Chris off of Jake and hit him right in the eye, giving him a deep purple bruise, "Chill out dude!"

I grabbed my brothers hand and pulled him behind me, "Get out of here. I don't care anymore, you're going to have to find someone else to save, Luke."

"What on earth is going on out here?" My mom said walking outside

I gasped, "Mom?"

"You kids are being far too loud, I'm trying to work in there." She said crossing her arms

"Too loud?" I scoffed, "This is a serious problem, mom."

She nodded, "Yes, yes it is. You're stupid game is distracting me. Get inside and apologize to those kids."

I groaned watching her walk back inside. She didn't even realize Chris had a black eye.

I hated her. I hated my mom. She didn't care at all.

"Brooklyn, get in the car." Luke begged as Chris walked inside

I shook my head, "You can't save me Luke, no one can. I'm not going to go with you, pretend everything is fine, and live in some perfect dream world like you want. I'm sorry you couldn't save your mom, and I'm sorry you can't save me."

Before he could respond I walked inside, shut the door, and locked it, tossing my bag off to the side.

I couldn't believe how naive I had been. I thought maybe they could make me happy, maybe I could get better, but I was wrong.

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