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I was in the deepest sleep I'd ever been in. 

I dreamt of him once more, this time of his true face. His eyes were never-ending. He could use the force to see my thoughts and heard me calling out to him, yet I knew his eyes could see the most into my soul.

It felt Kylo Ren clawing his way back into my head.

I jolted awake, my vision focusing on him. He sat in front of me, leaned over and drinking all of me in. 

"How long was I asleep?" I whispered, my voice feeling as if it was shattering with each word. 

"A day. Maybe more." He said. 

"What will happen to me, Ren?" I asked, tears filled my eyes.

His lips parted, hanging on whatever he wanted to say but couldn't. He looked away from me now, clearly frustrated. 

"Ren?" He scoffed, rubbing his face with his hand. 

It was difficult to tell if this is how he always looked or if he were particularly upset. The vision of him I had in my head was blurry and unclear. Now that I've seen him, everything changed. 

"Hux has requested you be sent away, to your planet. I've requested you be held in interrogation in order to obtain the knowledge I need." He said through gritted teeth.

I kept my mouth shut, listening to his words carefully. Tears fell from my eyes, my face however unchanging. I was in the worst possible place I'd ever been in. I had been in pain before; friends had betrayed me, my mother had hit me as a child, and I had been insulted by my peers. This experience made it seem as if all of those memories were a drop in the deepening ocean.

"The Supreme Leader decided to keep you here for the time being, but let you out of interrogation. He believes that is our best option." He sneered as he spoke.

"And what do you believe?" I asked.

He stood, coming close to me again. I looked up at him in awe of his size. His hand pressed against the metal slab I was strapped to, craning his head down to me.

"I believe you aren't innocent, that I can sense. I have yet to learn of your involvement with the Republic." He said, then came even closer to me. "I will be keeping a very, very close watch over you, Felaeon." He whispered harshly. 

Fire rose in my cheeks, surely making my bright red. Through my embarrassment, I got a second wind.

"You use the force, look into my mind. Then, allow my departure. Or are you afraid of seeing something you don't want to?" I said.

"Do you think I haven't felt it yet? I hear you at all hours of the night, calling to me." Kylo Ren stepped away from me.

"They're just dreams." I said, also reassuring myself.

He glared at me for a moment, before waving a hand. He used the force to open my restraints and gently pull me off the interrogation chair, onto the ground. I wobbled a bit as my feet his the hard floor. 

"You will have daily visitations from me, per the Supreme Leader's orders." He said quickly.

The door slid open as Kylo Ren turned from me. 

"Am I simply a prisoner now?" My eyebrows knitted together.

"Don't worry, Lady Felaeon. You still have your nobility." He muttered. "...Now, come with me." 

I quietly followed him throughout the Starkiller base, after he allowed me to redress into my robes. 

He wore his helmet again, hiding his face from all ranks. I was scared of what was to come of this, being watched by him. I would have to suffer through seeing him daily. My heart wrenched thinking of not being able to get messages from Father anymore. I hid the last holocron well, knowing the danger it could cause. 

Kylo Ren was walking in the direction of my quarters. I sped up to walk beside him.

"Ren, you don't have to escort me to my room." I said, trying to keep up with his stride. 

"Yes, I do. And it's Commander." He faced forward, not even glancing at me.

We drew closer to my quarters. I was so surprised by his company that I worried he would invite himself inside. I tried to seem calm, as to not alert him. I bit my lip until it nearly bled. 

I stopped in front of my door, blocking him from it.

"These are my quarters. Thank you for your escort, Commander." I said, formally.

He was quiet again, making an awkward barrier between us.

"You may leave me, I'm safe here alone." I said.

"Do you have something to hide?" He asked.

"I just was allowed out of your interrogation. I feel that I'm entitled to privacy for the night." I retorted, my filter was dissipating after the days events.

Hitting the button that caused my door to slide open, he watched me stumble a step back into my room. He also saw my face grow in displeasure. He lifted his hand, pointing a finger at my face.

"I'm going to see you again tomorrow. You belong to the First Order, for now." He demanded. 

Without another word, I shut the door between Kylo Ren and I. 


I sat within my space, repeating all of the events I suffered in my head.

The air in the room felt humid, heavy with my recollections- of him, of the horrid pain I felt, and the anxiety of seeing him once again tomorrow. 

I wished to plan an escape, into the forest. I could live alone, making shelter from twigs and branches. I'd only have to think of myself and the creatures around me. I could become a witch within the woods. No more nobility, no more expected diplomacy, no more war, no more First Order, and absolutely no more Kylo Ren.

I thought of how I may be able to contact Father, because I certainly couldn't in the forest. Perhaps one of the maids would attend to me without a thought, or I could befriend someone in order for them to send word without notifying anyone. 

Forming a plan, I searched through my quarters. Surely, the First Order would have amenities for their guests. They spared nearly no expense for visitors, even on military bases. Digging through drawers, I found empty holocrons. 

I'd be able to record my message to Father, but the clearance I would need to send it was to be determined. Kylo Ren would do anything in his power to prevent it, I was sure of that. I musn't record anything before I knew a proper way to smuggle it out. 

At one point, Hux may have been a possibility. I've destroyed that prospect since denying him. 

I couldn't help but imagine what Kylo Ren was to do if I had told Hux that I would be his. 

I wondered to myself what he would make of all that.

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