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I dreamt of butterflies and far away places, only to be interrupted by a knock at my door.

It was Father. His mouth was twisted into a frown, unnatural for him. I invited him in and slid the door shut behind him.

"Father, what's happened?" I rubbed my eye, speaking weakly.

"It seems there has been a shift. In our absence, a small rebellion has formed on our planet." His voice shook as he attempted to keep his composure.

Standing in front of him in silence, I crossed my arms. His eyes searched my face for a response, then he sighed. 

"When I left, I suppose a small group took this as confirmation of our allegiance to the First Order." Father continued.

"They should be aware of our stance as a neutral planet." My eyes closed in frustration, remembering the amount of work Father has put into his diplomacy.

"Yes, but you must understand that to the people, doing nothing is just as bad as aligning with the First Order. I thought that this would help keep our people safe from the war on the horizon, but it seems to have made it worse." His brow furrowed after hearing my complaint.

"What are we to do then?" I challenged, pacing around my quarters. 

Father's old eyes watched me while I paced. He knew too well of my stubbornness, which often became worse when I couldn't understand someone's actions.

"I must return home. The people need to know they are of importance to me, opposed to the First Order." He stated firmly, catching eye contact with me.

I stopped pacing. "And what will the First Order make of this? Won't they see it as a direct contradiction to your negotiation of peace with our planet?" 

Father clasped my hands in his, trying to calm me. "You have a quick mind. You're just like your mother that way. You think of all your options and will inform everyone of them with such passion."

Father's face saddened, his eyes soft as he continued, "The First Order is suspicious of our planet now, including us. They will allow me to go home if you stay here."

"Me?! I'm not a diplomat!" I gasped. 

"You won't be required to negotiate. They simply want you to remain here as a guest while I calm things on our planet. I will return within a few weeks to continue my work." He kept my hands in his, assuringly. 

"But Father-" I started.

"Lorna, please. Allow this to happen. This may be the only way to keep our planet safe. Our planet isn't strong enough to last through an impending war between the Resistance and the First Order." He begged me. 

I looked away from him, out the window. If I could dream of being an adventurer in a jungle or a princess in a kingdom, I could pretend to be brave. This would be my first time in a foreign place without my father, but he believed I could do this. He trusted the First Order to keep me safe.

"I will stay, for the good of our people." I nodded to Father reluctantly.

"Oh, Lorna. You are beautiful and clever." Father put a hand on my cheek, comforting me.


Dressed in a long gown with flowing white robes, I was prepared for my new role. I was now a placeholder for my father, I told myself as I practiced appearing poised and elegant in the mirror. Father was already on his ship, preparing for exit. I decided I would find General Hux to discuss my stay. 

Once I reached the main floor, it was easy to spot the only tall man with flaming red hair. He spotted me quickly as well and excused himself from the technicians he was with. 

Nobility [Kylo Ren]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя