July - Movie inspired

Start from the beginning

So, he fled.

And when he would wake up, panicked and sweaty, thinking he did killed that innocent child, Hinata was here to remind him how brave he had been to have broke the hold the Akatsuki had on him.

Feelings were scary, that, Hinata knew it better than anyone. So, when Naruto refused to obey to orders and called Kakashi to say he surrendered, he created terror among the organisation.

They couldn't control their centerpiece anymore.

Meanwhile, they had created eight other Naruto and they had been order to get rid of the original.

They attacked him the day he left China by boat to return to Japan. The combat was raging between them but Naruto killed four out of eight clones before being shot twice in the back and falling off the boat.

Saved by the sea, he washed up on a beach.

It's there that Hinata found him.

As an angel, she came to save him from the darkness, he would often say with gratitude in his eyes.

But, how could he look at her like that when it was her who was feeling the most thankful?

Today, she knew her decision was pretty stupid but at that time, when she saw his wounds, she took him to the hospital without questioning herself. Never had she thought she would have run into assassins because she helped an injured man.

She rapidly found herself in the middle of a big mess but Naruto protected her, even though she was an stranger. She, who had always been manipulated by her family, couldn't help but admire his desire to be free.

Unthinkingly, she proposed him to share her small room on campus while his wounds were healing. It too might make his pursuers think he's dead, which was a good point for the duo.

It's during that period of time they got to know each other. Or rather, Hinata and Naruto got to know the real him. Little by little, he opened up to her. He was so kind, his innocence was adorable and he had affection for so many things, important or not important. Inevitable, she fell in love with him.

Unfortunately, it's only when Kakashi cuffed him that she confessed. Red cheeks, bright eyes, she never had been so sure about what she was feeling. But, Naruto remained quiet. Too shocked to know that someone like her could have that kind of feelings for someone like him.

Hinata wasn't mad at him. She understood he didn't know what to say. She already said it to him but, still today, he would call himself an idiot for not have said something at that moment even though he too, had developed feelings for her.

She understood it the day she saw him at the university's gates. In exchange of his informations and his help for stopping the Akatsuki, Kakashi agreed to let him go free.

Despiste the years, he came back to her.

He promised to her to never leave her ever again. To always be there for her.

Until now, he never got back on his words.

They dated. They got married. They were expecting a child.

Everything could have be a happy ending but Hinata never forgot the sword of Damocles hanging above their heads. They were moving all the time for Naruto's peace of mind because he didn't like to stay on the same place for too long.

The reason was that he always said to her he didn't trust the Secret Services and today, she realised that maybe, he was right since the beginning...

Without warning, which was unusual here, the door snapped open, bringing Hinata back to reality.

"Hatake-sama! The prisoner just woke up!"

"Now it's not the time." the man said.

"But, he asks to speak to you personally."

Every person in the room trembled, even Naruto. She felt him tighten his hand on her thigh. He had something in mind. She understood it by the way his eyes were looking at the room, analysing every employees making their way out to listen to the interrogation between Kakashi and the man who fought against him.

Kakashi stopped beside them and asked "Please, wait for us here."

"We have our own business to do." Naruto voice was flat.

"It won't take long."

The security director was the last one to leave the room, leaving Naruto and Hinata with guards.

This change in the situation quickly made her uncomfortable. Her throat tightened and she fidgeted on her chair.

Something was off.

"Hey, Hina. Look at me." He caught her chin in between his fingers. "I'm here, ok? Everything's fine."

"I have a bad feeling." She too lowered her voice.

"I know, babe. I know."

He wrapped his arm around her shoulders to bring her closer to him. To pretend they were cuddling. His hand still on her thigh, he put his head against her shoulder. His lips now a few inches away from her ear, he whispered his instructions.

"I don't trust Hatake."

"How is it possible clones still exist?"

"That guy", he pointed Menma. "Isn't from the Akatsuki."

"But..." she shivered.

"Yeah, Hatake's babbled to save time. I still don't know why though but, we're getting out of here, okay? I'll take care of the guards", he said after her small 'uh-huh'. "You get us a ride and communication, okay? Like I showed you."

Keeping eye contact, they let go of each other.

"I love you."

His eyes were so calm, they relaxed her. He knew what he was doing. She believed in him.

"I love you."

She took a deep breath in and no sooner had she exhaled than Naruto was already up on his feet.

This chapter gives away a few clues about the movie which inspired me but I feel like no one will find out the title haha

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This chapter gives away a few clues about the movie which inspired me but I feel like no one will find out the title haha

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