07 | quidditch quarrels

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"SO, THE SEEKERS catch the snitch, the chasers shoot the quaffle through the hoops, the keepers try to block them, and the beaters...?"

Valerie Grindelwald trailed her sentence off quietly, unable to remember.

Draco scoffed from beside her, "And people were really saying you were gifted. Can't get any dumber than that."

Theodore gave him a glare, before turning to his friend. "The beaters try to bat the bludgers away from their team's players."

Valerie nodded in understanding, before giving Draco a side-glance. "Too bad they don't bat them at audience members instead."

Theodore stifled a laugh at the Malfoy boy's face as he shifted his eyes back to the game.

They were standing by the very front lines of the bleachers as Theodore explained the game of Quidditch to Valerie, in anticipation of the big match between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Getting stuck next to Draco was just an incredibly unfortunate coincidence.

The Gryffindor team came flying in, and the crowd erupted into loud cheers, Valerie included.

Theodore pushed her hands down with his own, an incredulous look on his face. "You don't cheer for the enemy, genius!"

"Hello, and welcome to the first Hogwarts Quidditch match of the season! Today's game, Slytherin versus Gryffindor!"

All houses hollered as the teams took their positions as Madam Hooch stepped out onto the field. "Now I want a nice clean game from all of you."

She then unclasped the trunk, the bludgers shooting up, followed by the golden snitch.

"Remember, the snitch is worth a hundred and fifty points," the announcer reminded. "The seeker who catches it ends the game."

Valerie watched as Harry's eyes darted around, following the winged the object.

Madam Hooch then took the last ball in her hands, tossing it up in the air toward the players.

"The quaffle is released, and the game begins!"

The Slytherin students let out another chorus of groans as their keeper narrowly missed a quick shot, watching the quaffle soar through the middle hoop.

"It's Flint's fault, I tell you." Theodore told Valerie, motioning to the captain with a foul look on his face. "Next year, I'm trying out for chaser."

"Well, then I'll be sure to print out my biggest banners to cheer you on." Valerie pumped a fist in the air, a little too enthusiastically.

Theodore rolled his eyes, "Sarcasm is the lowest form of humour, Grindelwald."

"And you just assume I'm joking, Nott?" Valerie raised an eyebrow at the boy, who nudged her with a shake of his head.

The whole crowd turned to Marcus Flint as he grabbed a bat from one of the beaters, sending a bludger toward Oliver Wood, hitting him square in the stomach.

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