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Juliet had no idea that Bertha was a car, but she was glad because she was getting tired of walking in the hot sun. She was sitting between Thomas and Aris and she looked out the window when the car was suddenly stopped. She raised an eyebrow and looked forward to see that they were stopped at a road that had ruined cars parked there. She got out of the car along with the others and stood with them in front of the car.

" Well, I guess we're on foot." Jorge stated and started walking forward.

Juliet followed him with the others and she looked around them at the mountains that surrounded them. She felt sad as she looked at all of the ruined cars, wondering where the people must be at now.

She looked over at Thomas seeing he was looking at a hole that was on the hood of a car they were nearby which made her wonder if these people were shot at. Just as he went to touch the hole there was a gunshot. She let out a surprised yelp when she was suddenly pulled to the side no doubt by Thomas and the bullet barely missed her.

" Everyone, get down!" Thomas yelled to the others as more gunshots went off.

She, Thomas and Jorge hid behind the car they were by as the others scattered to a nearby car to hide behind. When the gunshots stopped Thomas asked, " Hey, is everyone okay out there?"

" We're fine." Teresa answered, her voice echoing.

" Anyone know where those bloody shots came from?" Newt asked.

Juliet looked over at Jorge, who was angrily mumbling something about Marcus. " He sent us to an ambush." he realized.

Juliet watched as Thomas slowly looked above the car to look at top of the mountains to see if he could see anyone. She jumped as a bullet was shot at him and he immediately hid behind the car again.

" What do we do?" Thomas asked Jorge.

" Here. Hold it." Jorge said as he hands Thomas a bomb and Juliet stares at it with wide eyes. She couldn't believe that Jorge had it with him and she watched as Thomas held it.

" We gotta create a diversion." Jorge said. Juliet looked at him as if he was crazy. " You get ready to chuck it." he tells Thomas as he gets out the device that sets it off. Juliet moves out of the way as Thomas moves around her to where she was a minute ago.

" Everybody! Get set to sprint back to the truck! And hold your ears!" Jorge said to everyone and Juliet's heartbeat increased as she bit her lower lip.

Jorge looked over at Thomas. " Ready? One...two..." he goes to say ' three', but stops when he hears the sound of a rifle load behind them.

" Drop it." a female voice demands.

Juliet slowly looks in front of them to see two girls around her and her friends age with masks covering their face besides their eyes and they both had rifles aimed at them.

" Now!" the girl with black hair yells and Thomas puts the bomb on the ground. " I said drop it!" she yelled, referring to Jorge who still held the device in his hand and he slowly put it on the ground.

" On your feet. Let's go." the black haired girl tells them. Juliet raises her hands up in defense like the others do as the black haired girl tells them to backup and she and the blonde haired girl moved closer to them.

Juliet and the other two continue to backup to where the others were hiding and the two girls tells the others to get up and move over to them. The two of them were silent whenever Aris moved over which confused Juliet, but then her eyes widened when she realized why they looked familiar to her.

" Aris?" the black haired girl asked in disbelief as she lowered her gun and everyone looked at him with confusion.

The black haired girl lowered her mask and Aris' eyes widened. " Harriet?" he asked as he stepped forward while the girl, Harriet, rushes towards him and the group watches with confusion as they hug. " What are you doing here?" Harriet asked him while the blonde haired girl lowered her mask, shocked to see Aris.

DREAM IN ME! thomasTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang