While Growing Up Or Trying To

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The next day, I fell out of bed and got dressed. I felt unmotivated knowing that Mr. Harrison might be struggling right now. I sighed deeply.

If he can handle however many months alone, he can handle a few days.

I walked to work and tried to smile best I could.

"Good morning, dear." Ms. Smith said with her usual toothy grin.

"Good morning, Ms. Smith."

"How are you doing? You seem a bit off..."

I shook my head. "Just a bit tired. I stayed up a little bit too late last night."

She grinned and playfully elbowed my side. "Little party girl, eh? I'll let it slide this time."

She disappeared off to the kitchen to start making sweets for the customers. I heard the front door open and close.

"I'm sorry, we're not open ye..."

I turned and saw a Beatle. I wasn't sure which one, but it wasn't George or Paul.

"My bad, miss." He turned to leave.


He turned back around, smiling a bit. He had light brown hair that was grown to his shoulders and was wearing a black turtle neck with black pants.

"Are you a Beatle?"

He shrugged. "That's what they call me."

"Which one?"


I wracked my brain, trying to remember which one was 'Eric'.


His smile widened and he laughed. "It's an old joke. I'm John."

"Oh, John Lennon."

He held out his hand and I shook it. I was a little embarrassed that I had fallen for his joke, but he seemed to be amused.

"Do you want me to sign anything?"

I shook my head. "I actually just wanted to say hello from George."

He froze, his cheeky smile fading. "George?"

His reaction was a lot like Paul's.

"Don't worry, Paul already gave me the whole speech about how he's dangerous yada, yada, yada. I just want to say hello for him."

He composed himself, recovering his posture of arrogance. "Right. Thanks. What time do you open?"

I checked my watch. "In about 5 minutes, but I can seat you now if you'd like."

He looked down at his feet, thinking a bit. "Alright, that would be lovely."

I led him over to a table near a window and handed him a menu.

"Wait, before it gets too crowded, I want to talk to you."

I thought about telling him that this shop NEVER gets crowded, but decided against it and sat down.


"Be careful of Ge-"

"Oh my god, are you going to tell me the same thing Paul did?"

He furrowed his brow. "What exactly did Paul tell you?"

"That he's dangerous, hurts people he loves, can't control himself sometimes."

"Did he tell you about... the incident?" John asked, his voice just barely loud enough to hear.

"The... incident?" I asked, curious and slightly terrified.

John leaned back in his seat. "Get me some tea and maybe I'll tell you."

I glared at him. "What kind would you like?"

Crackerbox Palace - George HarrisonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz