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He couldn't have been unconscious for more than a few seconds, but when he came to, everything had changed.

He was lying on his back, arms crossed over his head and eyes, still in the act of protecting himself from the thing that had been charging towards him across the common. The explosion that had knocked him out had also left his ears ringing, and the world around him had become a dull, distant presence with a feeling of unreality about it. He opened his eyes and cautiously looked around him, confused thoughts about what had happened to cause such an explosion running through his mind. An after image formed by the blinding light that accompanied the bang was still there, a vertical line of ghostly green that remained wherever he looked, and he blinked several times trying to clear it.

A few feet away lay the head of the chimerical dog, smoke drifting lazily upwards from one eye socket, and beyond it, no more than a stone's throw away, was a small crater around which lay numerous smouldering remains of the device. He looked up and about him for signs of the bird of prey, but he couldn't see anything against the blackness of the star-strewn sky. The only movement in the heavens was a bright point of light travelling towards the south-east, which Farron recognised as the Sentry - a still-orbiting piece of space hardware left over from the last age that had been a familiar sight over the Protectorate on clear nights. Odd, that it should be there now, just after the explosion. He watched it for another minute, until it moved out of sight below the horizon, half formed suspicions gathering at the back of his mind.

Farron rolled onto his side and grunted as something sharp jabbed into his ribs. Feeling under his cloak he found that he had been lying on the crossbow Peter had given him. Kneeling up, Farron quickly looked over the device hoping he could use it should any more false knights turn up, but his efforts at working out the weapon were frustrated by the darkness and his lack of knowledge. The best he might be able to do should one turn up was hit them over the head with it.

The sound of wings in the darkness made him pause and look around. It seemed unnaturally quiet now after the turmoil of running and shouting that had preceded the explosion, but somewhere to the south was the distant clatter of a running horse, getting quieter all the time. Even as he listened the noise faded away completely and he was left alone with only the sound of the soft swish-swish of a large bird circling him out of sight. 

-Are you hurt? Can you move?

"Yes. Who are you?" asked Farron, uncertain whether he should trust the voice in his head.

-I'll explain later. For now, I just need to get you moving. There may be more coming and your chances at escaping again are very slim.

"You're a chimera, aren't you?" Farron stood and flexed his legs while checking himself over for any injuries from the blast that he hadn't yet noticed. "I thought they were all gone."

-And yet, you met two tonight. One of which would have probably killed you, while the other, myself, belongs to you and aims to keep you safe.

"You belong to me! What does that mean?"

-I am yours, since you activated the key which binds me to you. Until you die, my purpose is to serve and guide you. Hold out your left arm, Farron, and brace yourself.

Farron did as he was told, and a second later the bird of prey landed gracefully onto his outstretched forearm. Even in the darkness, Farron recognised it as a buzzard, a common bird in the Protectorate, often seen circling over the fields and heathland. It held itself unnaturally still and regarded Farron with an intense gaze that unsettled him, as if the thing was considering whether to strike at him with its sharp beak.

-Do you understand what is happening here, Farron? 

"No, not really. These people want me for some reason. I don't know if they want to kidnap me or kill me, but they seem determined. Can you tell me what's going on?"

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