Cheers to New Adventures

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Walking into the castle felt weird but in an amazing weird. I followed him down the hall and to a room while carefully watching where I step from the broken glass on the floor. Oh boy, I got a lot on my plate. He told me to stay before leaving me alone for a moment.

Despite the house looking dusty and broken, the room was the opposite. It was nice and looked clean. I sat on the bed while I wait for my boo. Wrapping my arms around myself, I didn't want to take off the shirt. Sure, it was his, but I felt comfortable in it. It was form-fitted, yet roomy.

He came back with clothes and shoes in his hands. I couldn't resist gazing upon his sculpted chest with his scar all out to see.

"This should do for now. I'll be outside once you're done." Taking the clothes from him he left without another word. The moment he closed the door, I got a good look at the clothes. It was a light purple, long sleeve dress, and brown sandals. The dress was nice and simple. As for the shoes they were gladiator shoes. Now I'm wondering if the dress is going to fit me.

I don't want to keep Alucard waiting. Slowly removing his shirt from my body I laid it on the bed and put on the dress.

To my surprise, it fit! Actually... it's a bit tight, the dress caught all my curves and baby fat but I could still move in it. Slipping on the sandals I had to make sure the straps were secure.

And just like that, I'm dressed. If only I had a mirror to see how I looked. My insecurities came in when I look down at my chest. It was clear that I needed a bra for my boobs but I don't think he has one. Even when I was wearing his shirt I was showing some cleavage but it didn't matter to me at the time because I was happy to wear my boo's clothes.

I guess this is something to get used to. Grabbing the shirt I head to the door. Enjoying the fabric of his shirt one last time I opened the door to find him standing there in his thoughts.

I handed him the shirt. "Here you go and thank you." He broke out from his train of thought to stare at me from head to toe. He reached for his shirt and then asked, "How does it feel?" With my arms crossed I placed them under my boobs for support.

"It's a little tight but I'm comfortable." He nods. I caught his eyes darting at my chest for a second then looked away. Slipping on his shirt, he leads me to the kitchen. Like before he told me to wait and left. Looking around the kitchen it was just like the show.

On my right in the back, I noticed two handmade dolls sitting there. They look so cute seeing them in person. Making my way to them, I wanted to get a better look at his handy work.

Awe, they're so cute. It's the dolls he made to keep himself company. They're not so bad. I would say the Sypha doll looks similar to the real one compared to the Trevor doll.

"Don't look at those." I quickly turn to him. Wearing his white shirt, Alucard brought in two wine glasses and a bottle of wine. I made my way to the table where I took a seat. Staring at him, it looked like he was having an inner battle with himself. As if he was constipated about what to do with me. After less than five minutes his attention's on me.

"Tell me, what is your name?" My name? Oh, right. Should I tell him my real name? Or should I make one up? Would it matter if I told him my name? All this thinking gave me a small headache. Rubbing my head I made my decision.

"It's Kara." Fake name it is. "And your name is?" Getting chills on the back of my neck. Play it cool.

"It's Alucard." I nod, thinking nothing less. "Alucard. That's an interesting name." He rested his head on his left hand and sets his cup on the table.

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