How it Started

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"No! What?! They can't do that to him?" I yelled in frustration as the credits roll in for the last episode of Castlevania season 3 on my laptop. When I found out about it, I spent the entire day watching it, leading me to finish the show late at night. 

The season started off interesting, then got me questioning some things and being a self-made detective mainly by watching a lot of Criminal Minds and other detective shows, I made some guesses that I was right about while there were some twists I did not expect. I'm pissed, no, I'm livid. 

How could they do Alucard like that? 

My heart started to hurt from the results. How could they be this cruel? 

It was sad enough that after the second season he was crying by himself in that castle all alone. Now, this?! I got off the bed and begin pacing back and forth in my room. I was getting hot fast due to the anger I had. In general, I had mixed feeling about this season.

To my luck, I heard there was going to have a fourth season. I'm hoping they do him justice. My poor vampire husband. 

After about ten minutes of talking to myself about the show, I was able to lay back on the bed. It was pretty obvious I had feelings for him. 

Why are fictional men beautiful as fuck? Is the artist trying to torture me with someone I can never have? 

It doesn't matter. As much as I want to be there with Alucard I know it's not happening. Just thinking this way brought a frown to my face. Would he go for a woman like me? I mean I know I have that rich melanin skin and beautiful, natural, black curls but would I be his type? 

One thing I know for sure is, if I got to meet him, I would love him. I would do whatever I can to make him smile and ensure he was not a monster. Mainly to show that he is never alone. Not with me. 

"If only I could see him." I couldn't help but chuckle. 

"Knowing me. I would always ask for a hug and try to sneak a kiss." With a heavy sigh, I closed my laptop and got under the covers. Sleep was taking over with my eyelids getting heavy the moment my head touches the pillow. 

I can't help but dream about everything I adore about him. For some reason, I was with him before falling into a large body of water. My body reacted quickly,  moving my limbs I tried to reach for the surface.  However, I found myself being pulled down. Small bits of air escaped my lips as my lungs ached for oxygen until the burning sensation of water entered my lungs. 

Why am I drowning? What's going on? This feels all too real. Wake up... Wake up... Wake up!

A strong force pulled me out from the clutches of the water. My body was placed on what felt like grass. Coughing up the water from my lungs, my ears picked up something. Birds with the touch of the wind blowing past my ears. It's morning already? Slowly opening my eyes I was greeted by the bright sunlight. 

I could've sworn closed the window with the curtains. Bringing a hand to shield my eyes my vision was able to clear up. That's when I heard a voice.

"Honestly, what were you doing in the river? Do you have a death wish?" Moving my hand away from my face, I turn to the voice and my body froze. I was staring directly at a gorgeous face and a pair of beautiful gold eyes staring back at me. 

No way. I'm dreaming because otherwise, I wouldn't be here looking at such beauty.  I wanted to say his name. I really did. Instead, this came out of my mouth. 

"Oh shit." 

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