Chapter 5

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*Third person's POV*

"The car was wired. I sent one of the men standing guard to put your suitcase in the car. The bomb went off when he opened the door. One dead, two injured." Sehun spoke, devastated about the death of one of their men. Men meant family to them.

"Who?" Baekhyun's voice was grim, just like how the sky is right before a thunder storm.

"We, uh-" Sehun rubbed his forehead in a frustrated manner. "We're narrowing the list."

Baekhyun only raised his eyebrows at him, but the question was clear. "Still narrowing?"

"The guest list have been checked twice, it's all either Mr. Young's or Our business partners, a few relatives or friends." Sehun explained.

"Only our men was in security duty, there couldn't have been a leak there-"

"Then where the fuck was it?!" Baekhyun slammed down his hand on the table.

"The staff." Sehun sighed, completely familiar with Baekhyun's burst of anger. When it came to business, he had his patience on a thin line.

"The catering staff. I did a background check on all of them, 2 of their  informations doesn't quite add up."
He spoke carefully, not to push any wrong buttons.

"And you're still sitting here, why?" Baekhyun slowly exhaled.

"I just thought-"

"You think too much, Sehun! Has anyone ever told you that?!" He snapped again.

"Woah, hey-" Chanyeol stepped in to stop him. "Calm down, dude."

"Yixing has already closed down all the exits, nobody goes in or out." Chanyeol explained. "Those two men, Yixing said he'd handle them too."

"No." Baekhyun stood up. "He will bring them in. I'll talk to them." His tone was stern, leaving no space for argument.

Sehun and Chanyeol glanced at each other, contemplating what to do. Angry Baekhyun never made the best decisions.

As if on queue, Yixing entered the room with two men in chef's attire following suite.

"I was just telling them how much you liked the wedding dinner, boss." Yixing chirped in his usual mocking tone. "So, I brought the chefs with me."

Yixing was always like that, every move he made, he made it with Baekhyun's approval. His loyalty was never questioned by anyone.

"I'll cut to the chase then." Baekhyun shoved his hands in his pocket and stood in front of them. They're expressions were calm, as if an explosion didn't just go off and they weren't standing in front of a man who wouldn't think twice before shooting them right in the eye.

"The Kims or The Lees?" Baekhyun's voice was cold as usual.

The two of them looked at each other. They silently reached the agreement that lying won't get them anywhere safer.

"I don't understand." But apparently, they thought it won't hurt to try.

Which was the worst decision they ever made. And quite probably the last.

Baekhyun didn't move from his place for a good 10 seconds. Then out of nowhere, he chuckled.

"You know," he started to slowly walk, circling them. "I would love to just sit down with you and talk about this over a drink, but you people just chose the wrong day to mess with us." He stopped again, right in front of them.

"And If I hate anything more then my enemies, it's wrong timing." He met their eyes and smiled. The kind of smile that would send a shiver down an average person's spine. But nothing about this situation was average. It was a bloody chess game, quite literally.

The next 5 seconds were a blur. However, Sehun, Chanyeol and Yixing saw it coming. The lightning that has been rumbling, finally struck the room. Twice.

The two bodies on the floor laid motionless and in a pool of blood. Baekhyun was still gripping his gun tight. His expression blank.

"Yixing." He spoke immediately after, not a hint of shiver in his voice. Nerve of steel as always.

"Send the Kims and Lees my regards. Send them each a head of these bastards too while you're at it." He stepped over the bodies and casually walked out of the room.

"Am I the only one who thinks he's being extra cranky today?" He smirked at Chanyeol who looked always.

"When Jane Austin said, 'I have not the pleasure of understanding you', I think it was meant for you, Yixing." Chanyeol shook his head at him in disappointment.

"Wedding jitters, eh?" Yixing wiggled his eyebrows at Sehun who was totally not in the mood to play around.

"Just get on with the beheading, xing. The sooner, the better." With that he too walked out of the room.


By the time, Jessica and Baekhyun got to the house that was a wedding gift from both their parents, it was almost midnight.

She originally wanted to keep staying at the dorm with Mia, but her parents insisted it wasn't safe anymore. She had a target on her back now, there was no denying that. But stubborn as she was, she insisted to stay 3 days out of the week in the dorm with Mia. Just to keep herself sane and connected to the life she had before all this.

About the explosion, all she got to know from Baekhyun was that it was one of the rival families that wanted her and Baekhyun dead. No one was hurt. They were still looking for the culprit.

What Jess didn't know was just how ruthless he could be if he needed to. And Baekhyun decided to spare her the gory details.

"Why scare daddy's little princess?" He thought to himself while he saw Jess innocently sighing in relief when she heard nobody got hurt.

"I hate this." Jess groaned while rummaging through her new closet, "Half my clothes are not here." She was standing wearing a bathrobe in a walk in closet he shared with Baekhyun. Not the best scenerio for her.

She was not the one to lose her temper easily, but maybe it was the exhaustion that had taken over when she snapped her neck in the direction of Baekhyun. Who was currently reading a magazine of some sort, in the calmest manner. It agitated her even more.

"You." She walked toward him with venom in her eyes. "It's all your fault!"

Baekhyun nonchalantly looked up from his magazine, "Excuse me?"

"If you had just done something to stop this wedding-"

"However the fuck do you think I could have done that?" He slapped the book shut.

"You didn't even resist!" She raised her voice. Her face turned red, clearly having it up to here.

"Oh yeah? Why do you think we're alive right now? This marriage isn't a fucking joke. Our lives are at stake, you think I'm enjoying this?!" The veins on his neck bulged, he breathed hard.

"I am not exactly ECSTATIC to marry you either so save me the bullshit about what you wanted, Jessica. I'm trying to keep our families safe, the last thing I need on my plate right now is your selfish temper tantrums." He threw the magazine on the couch he was sitting in and speed walked out of the room.

Jessica sighed to herself, feeling bad already. She needed to gather her thoughts. She knew it was hard for the both of them, but she still couldn't help but blame him.

After contemplating what to do for a while, she thought it was best to sleep away the tiredness.  So against her better judgement, she decided to sleep instead of going after Baekhyun to apologize.

"Why boost his ego?" She thought to herself before the comfort of her duvet engulfed her into a good night's sleep.


𝙏𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙚 | 𝘽𝙮𝙪𝙣 𝘽𝙖𝙚𝙠𝙝𝙮𝙪𝙣Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora