Chapter 2

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Life could really be a wonder sometimes. How it managed to fuck me up in the span of just one week, I'll never know. 

Also, how I ended up sitting inside Byun Baekhyun's comfy leather car seats, I also don't know. 

After what felt like an eternity later, he spoke up.

"So, are you gonna say something?" His annoyingly silky, smooth voice felt like needles on my skin. Even I myself was amazed at how annoying I found him.

"Thank you, your majesty for going through the trouble of meeting me?" My tone dripped with sarcasm which should have given him a hint.

He chuckled while running his free hand through his soft brown hair. God, was he always this handsome? But kinda in a annoying way.

"You hate me." He said matter of fact-ly while shifting gear.  That perfect smile still plastered on his face.

"You made my childhood hell with all your perfect grades, Your mom always told on me to my mom and you stood me up on the homecoming dance. I had to dance with that disgusting friend of yours. Of course I hate you."

"Hey, Luke liked you very much." He teased. "But unfortunately, you'll have to marry me. Poor Luke."

"Hold your horses right there, mister." I sat up straight. "You want to tell me what the hell is going on?"

His car pulled up in front of a cafe at that moment. "This can take some time so let's sit down and have a drink. Okay?" He unbuckled his seat belt, climbed out and jogged to my side of the car.

Opening the car door for me like I don't have hands..... How gentlemanly.

Once we were seated in a table with our drinks, I cut to the chase.

"Start explaining now, I'll leave as soon as my drink is finished." I kept a straight face.

"Geez, what's with the temper tantrum, princess?" He chuckled, flashing his perfect white teeth.

Then he fixed himself and leaned forward on the table. "I'm sure you know what your father's business is. He's not overseas half the year, selling lemons." He raises one of his eyebrows at me questioningly. 

I did have a vague idea about it. But nobody ever told me about the entirety of my father's 'business'. I knew it was semi illegal and 100% dangerous, that's all I needed to know. I was always kept far away from all this and I liked it that way.

"Kinda?" I said, unsure of what to say.

"Well, you always liked history. I'm sure you know plenty about the history of gang wars?"

Before I could reply, he started to talk again. "A gang war is about to break out. A war between the 4 families. It has been brewing for some time now. Looks like the twig finally snapped." He let out a humourless laugh. Like it was no abnormal thing.

That much I knew about. Our family was one of the four families that ruled the underground. Baekhyun was the heir of the Yoo family, he was adopted in when he was 12 and we went to the same high school. He was a stubborn kid, he insisted on keeping his birth name. Their adoptive parents, Mr and Mrs Yoo, couldn't have any children so they had to adopt him to pass on the family business.
Family was all that mattered to these people.

"The strongest will be the last one standing. And that can only happen if we have allies." He smirked. "I'll be honest with you, I can singlehandedly wipe out the Lee family's existence." There was this certain arrogance in his voice which made me want to slap that smirk off his face.

"But them sneaky fuckers went ahead and shook hands with the Kims. So, unless your father and my father join forces, we're doomed."

"So, Mr Yoo plans on working with my father?" I questioned , this whole war drama still being a little hazy to me.

"You know my father, Jess." He leaned back on his chair. "He's got some moral code that he lives by. The first and foremost rule: Only ever trust family and no one else."

Does he mean what I think he means?

"So that's what he plans on doing. Making your father his family. By getting us married." His smirk only got bigger and I swear I snapped a blood vessel on my head.

I took a deep breath. This can't be happening right now.

"And you're okay with that?" I greeted out.

If looks could burn people, Baekhyun would be ash right now.

"Sure." He shrugged without a care in the world. "Anything for family." His jaw clenched.

Huh. He must've been really tight with his family because I sure as hell don't want to spend the rest of my life with this person. Not even for my family.

I didn't know what to say for a second. He was serious. He really has no problem being married to me. But I do.

What about Jun? What about us?

Baekhyun must've felt my hesitation because he tried to be nice for once since high school.

"I'm guessing you have someone in your mind?" He shifted in his seat, somewhat uneasy.

"I-" I sighed, "It's complicated."

"Well then, Darling." He suddenly stood up with the brightest smile. "You better uncomplicate it because the wedding is next week. I believe you can catch an Uber back to your college. See ya." With that wink, he walked right out of the cafe.

Seconds later, I heard his sports car engine revving to life and speeding out into the road.

Jokes on me for thinking that Baekhyun would actually be a grown up for once.

"If this is a nightmare, please god, let me wake up." I whispered to myself. My whole body shivered in goosebumps, afraid of what the future had in store for me.

Byun Baekhyun had been a pain in my ass for 4 painful years. I thought I had seen the last of him and his shitty family on his graduation day. How on earth do I marry him?

My phone buzzed with text notifications.

Mark. And Mia. I said I'd meet them for lunch. But that was before my life went straight to hell.

I texted them back that I wasn't feeling well and went home. That's what I planned on doing because my family had some serious explaining to do to me.


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