Peace War

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Finally, they were about to reach the Malfoy Manor by evening. He had flooed first,Draco had a bit trouble in 'what is where' since the house had changed a lot from what he had known. 
Hermione landed abruptly from the fire place. She stood up and dusted herself and looked around the room.

Memories came flooding back.
Her scar hurt.
Her heart begged to jump out.
Her brain refused to co-operate.
Her knees gave up.
She collapsed to the ground.
Everything blacked out.

-----------------------TIME-SKIP (@TheBlackeyed_Empress I am also facing your same 'Malfoy insult' problems just the fact that mine are way worse than yours TwT)------------------

"Beaver?" Draco watched, as Hermione's eyes slowly fluttered open.
"Ferret?" She found herself lying on an amazing mattress, in a different room.
"You picked me up?" She asked, absolutely surprised.
"In you dreams, Granger. I levitated you." He smirked, sitting on a chair next to the queen size bed.
"Why would you care? You could have just let me be there.......just on the floor."
"I can't have mud-muggle-borns just lying here and there in my house. We don't know if it is safe. You know, your know-it-all brain just has theoretical knowledge no practical knowledge so you see one of us has to be careful and that has to be me." Draco said, a bit........worried.
"What's wrong with you? Why aren't you calling me mudblood?" Hermione snapped.
"Did you like being called that?" He snapped back standing up.
Soon it was a verbal war.
"From when did you start to care about my liking?" 
"I don't!"
"I can't understand how even in an alternative universe did I end up marrying you!"
"As if I love being related to a stupid mu-muggle born like you!"
"It's all your fault absolutely your fault! After all who knows it wasn't all your plan to trap me! At any cost, you are a bloody death eater!"
Draco was burning. Fuming with rage and shame. All of his masks crumpling down. His vision was becoming red. His hands gripping his wand tightly.And he pointed it directly at Hermione's heart.
"Now, now, Hermione," He started in a dangerously calm voice "Since you know and have decided that I am a 'bloody death eater', let me give you a demo of what I can do." He finished in the same 'silence before the storm' voice.
Hermione started to step back remembering that her wand was with Draco.
"Malfoy, no. No. Don't." She hit the wall, no more place to back away.

"There's no more trying for redemption, I tried and tried and tried. Those rumors 'Malfoy is this, Malfoy is that' were eating my head I tried to forget, but then, the Saint Potter would start it all over again. Did anyone even try to see what I was going through?! All you wanted was someone you can blame for anything and everything and fortunately you found me. I am not saying that , I was an angel and had a heart of gold but I was not that much of a heartless person you expected me to be. How did I expect you to understand? You don't have the darkest wizard of all time roaming all over you house and threatening you to kill you in your own house, plotting and doing murders on your dining table, a father who raised you with everything you could have ever wished for, but at the same time injecting the worst prejudices and when you are grown up, asking you to repay all of it by being first and successful at everything you do and killing your school headmaster." He panted, after saying all of this in one breath.
"Draco, but you could have came to us or should have accepted the help Snape and Dumbledore were ready to give you!" Hermione protested, trying to refuse whatever she was hearing. Draco wasn't a good guy.......or is he?

"Are you actually such a big fool or are you doing this to annoy me?! Do you really expect Potter to welcome me with a bear hug and trust me with their most secretive stuff! And, then-then you ha-have m-my mother. You don't expect me to leave her with those monsters, do you?! The order will welcome a death eater who is almost the murderer of their leader, Dumbledore, and also the son of a death eater who is in the Dark Lord's inner circle, and they will also invite a wife and mother of two death eaters! Then-then who did you say? Y-yeah D-Dumbledore. You mean, I should trust a man out of no-where, I should trust someone whom I was taught to hate for years and I despised for years on end. Th-then? Right, Snape. Father, told me he-he was a traitor and is only trying to take credit and if the Dark Lord knew that, I took his help, he would kill our family, unlike you I don't have 'so-called-friends' so my first priority is my family. And, I was too late to understand that my father was wrong all along. I realized it after the war, way after the war, when I came back for my 7th year, those names won't leave me." His wand was shivering, his mask down. 

A Malfoy was crying. What a disappointment.

He steadied his wand again "And now, I will show you what I am capable of, now I am a framed criminal, a murderous death eater." Malfoy spat.
"Draco, please don't, I was wrong I should not have judged you, I am sorry, I really am." Hermione said genuinely.
"Why should I take your apology? I don't care what you think about me mudblood." He flinched at the last word.
Now Hermione understood why, blood started pouring out of his shirt from where his dark mark was there.
"Draco, please, listen." Hermione tried.
Draco swished his wand.


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