Part 18

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*ding dong*
"Oh JK has come" J-hope cheered.
Jin opened the door and was surprised to see you and Jungkook.
"Y/n!" Jin shouted.
"What y/n has come?" Taehyung asked and ran to the door.
You and Jungkook came in.
"Hi oppas" you said.
"Y/n!!" Jimin shouted and hugged you.
" *clears throat* hyung please, she is mine" Jungkook said sternly.
"Jk calm down, we met her from such a long time" J-hope explained.
"Ok fine" Jungkook pouted.

"Jungkook-ah are you jealous?" Taehyung asked

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"Jungkook-ah are you jealous?" Taehyung asked.

"Jungkook-ah are you jealous?" Taehyung asked

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"Hyung!" Jungkook started chasing him.

You giggled looking at how childish they are, and you missed those days, when all of you used to hang out and these kind of funny things always used to happen.
And you were glad that now everything was back to normal, like it used to be.

You were in deep thoughts when you heard the door bell ring.

"Did anyone order pizza or something?" Rm asked.
"No, I don't think we did" J-hope replied.
"Then who could it be?" Rm asked.
"Wait, I will check who it is" you said.

You went and opened the door, you were surprised to see who it was.

You went and opened the door, you were surprised to see who it was

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It was IU!

She looked really surprised and shocked to see you.

"Y/n what are you doing here?"

You were going to reply when Jungkook approached behind you and back hugged you.

"Babe, who is it?"  
"Jungkook" IU said.
Jungkook loosens his grip on you.
"N-noona, what are you doing here?" Jungkook said coldly.
"I-I came to see you....."
"Why would you come to see me"
"B-because I-i love you"

You thought that your heart would stop beating, hearing those words from IU made you really shocked.

"I thought they broke up" you thought.

"Noona we broke up, don't you remember, i am engaged now"
"Come inside" you said.
"Thank you y/n" IU replied.

Hey guys, what do you think will happen next....
Read the next chapter to find out.😊


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His CEO wife || J.JK ✔︎Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt