Chapter 5

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From: Bernardo
Hey, bambina!

To: Bernardo
Hi, Bernardo! What's up?

From: Bernardo
Just a bad day.

To: Bernardo
Why? What happened?

From: Bernardo
I found out my mom passed away.

To: Bernardo
Oh my God! I'm so sorry. When that happened?

From: Bernardo
This night. She had heart attack.

To: Bernardo
I'm sorry. She is on a better place now.

From: Bernardo
Yeah. She was the best mother.

To: Bernardo
Do you want to tell me about her? Maybe it will make you better.

From: Bernardo
When I was little she would always make her special cinnamon rolls. They were the best rolls I ever ate. We would always go to Sunday mass and then had lunch she made. I was happy as a child. A week ago she made me cinnamon rolls and my heart aches now at the thought I won't be able to taste them.

To: Bernardo
She sounds like a best mother ever. You should treasure those memories. She will always watch you and love you.

From: Bernardo
Thank you. I needed this.

To: Bernardo
Anytime. If you need someone to tell all your worries, I'm here for you. Everything will be fine at the end.

From: Bernardo
You really matured, bambina.

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