Chapter 15

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"How are you even a successful entrepreneur? You should never, ever let go of the chance to buy the cheaper places. I built three hotels in there and see the kind of money I'm earning now," Khushi said delightfully that night as she took a handful of Monopoly money from Arnav's side.

Maybe because I really don't care, Arnav thought. "You can't be serious! This is just a stupid game," he answered and then said, "And stop taking money from my side. Wait for me to give it to you."

"The game you just called stupid has world championships to its name, you know? This is the oldest business game in the world and you, Arnav Singh Raizada, are losing to me. A mere mortal."

"Whatever. I am done here," he said getting up and putting all his money back in the bank.

"But I haven't finished. You are not bankrupt yet! Now you mixed all the money. Arnav ji," Khushi admonished.

"Khushi Kumari Gupta. When I say I'm done I'm done. It's bad enough I am sitting here playing monopoly with you of all the— forget it!" He said walking over to pour himself a glass of water.

"Lord governor kahin ke! You are such a sore loser, Arnav ji," she complained and walked towards the kitchen saying she'll at least get the table ready.

This was Khushi's idea of getting to know each other. The result of their conversation the other day after the charity event.

"Arnav ji, it's not about questions and answers. I don't know where I am with you. We can't keep going like this. You can't be distant when it pleases you, ignore me and then suddenly decide that's not what you want."

He looked at her hard. "Khushi I don't know what you're looking for here. I cannot give you the commitment you're looking for. That is the reason, despite finding it physically and mentally painful I try to give you space. But if and when we get into a relationship of any sort, I will promise that it will be a true relationship for all intents and purposes."

"Arnav ji, I think you're so busy setting up boundaries, it's making it hard for us to be ourselves. It's all becoming complicated because all you seem to want is to prove to me and to yourself that you are not looking for anything deeper. But I want us to get to know each other. Be who we are. Without any pressure. I want to try and un-complicate it and let things take a natural course. I cannot just give... I barely know you!" She said trying to sound as confident as possible given the true state of her feelings. It was great feat, for Arnav Singh Raizada intimidated her quite spectacularly.


"Let's spend some time together. I want us to be friends first if that's ok with you."

"Friends," he repeated once and after a moment's thought, said with a sigh, "Ok. Can I take you out on a date?"

"I would like that. But..."


Arnav ji, you are my boss and I'm a model. Everyone knows I work only for Elan and I'm sure not many have the luxury of working on their own terms. People already think I'm being preferred. This much I can take but I can't take it if there's talk I don't want any unnecessary attention upon us. Especially when we don't even know what all this is."

"What do we do then?" He asked his patience at an end.

"I want it to be a secret. But I'll understand if you don't want to do it."

Arnav was a little annoyed. He was not a fan of this secrecy business. Honestly he didn't give a damn as to what anyone thought of him but to Khushi, it was clearly important. And he understood where she came from.

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