Chapter 14

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As the countdown to the event started and the dress was finished, they spent the days rehearsing for the event. Elan was showcasing twelve designs from twelve different designers and Khushi was again going to be their show stopper.

It was the day of the final rehearsals and the rehearsal today was going on in the actual outfits. As Arnav sat along with the designers to watch the procession, he heard Gaurav remark to him, "I hated her for having the nerve to refuse something I asked. That was my ego talking, I guess. And I hated you for making me work with her. And I made her life so difficult. But man! Was she patient? She never complained. And this," he pointed to the stage as she walked down the ramp, "This is sheer gorgeousness. I mean, she completely owns the outfit and I couldn't have found a better model for this dress. Now I get what you meant when you said she is different and she is something, isn't she?" He said, as if entranced.

"Mhm..." Arnav replied, seemingly nonchalant. But he found a slow pang of jealousy overtake as he saw the open admiration in Gaurav's eyes.

"Is that why you have her all to yourself?"

That question was so sudden, Arnav turned shocked eyes to Gaurav. Gaurav didn't seem like he caught the meaning behind Arnav's look and instantly added, "As in you employ her, right? That's what I heard. And she works only for you."

Arnav nodded.

"I hope you wouldn't mind if I want to work with her again in the future."

He couldn't trust himself not to burst if he heard one more word of appreciation about Khushi from him and tried to tune out anything else he said. Every nerve in his body stood in attention as he watched Khushi stop at the end of the ramp, looking sensual and ethereal.

"Marvellous," he heard Gaurav shout and walk towards Khushi and Arnav tried his best to un-see the way he hugged Khushi.

The event was being held at the farmhouse of Mr. Manoj Singhania who was one of the main organisers in the event. The farmhouse was one of the biggest houses Khushi had ever seen in her entire life. They had arrived at the venue in the company arranged vehicle along with the designers that afternoon to get ready for the event.

"There, now. Let me look at you," Gaurav said several hours later when Khushi's stylist was finally done with her, his eyes sweeping her up and down. The red gown and its bronzed linings made a striking contrast against the ivory of her skin. Her hair was swept up in an elegant bun and she was devoid of heavy jewellery and the total effect was smashing. And Gaurav said that in those exact words.

Khushi smiled her thanks before going to join the others in line. Elan's show was going to begin. On the way, she paused to talk to Payal. Payal looked behind her to make sure no one was listening as she said, "I'm glad Gaurav did well by you and his attitude seems much better. I felt so annoyed by the way he was treating you. But I trusted Arnav because I'm sure Arnav wouldn't have let Gaurav anywhere near you if he thought he would harm you. But I will always thank him for this outfit on you. Oh, Khushi! You don't know how beautiful you look!"

Khushi gave her a shy smile. Somehow when Payal had said Arnav would never let her in harm's way, the casual statement had caused a flutter in her belly. She took a huge breath to calm her nerves and eventually the duo separated and got ready for the show to begin.

It was then that she spotted Arnav and her heart threatened to jump out of her chest. He looked stunning, as always, dressed all in black except for his shirt which was a dazzling white. He was speaking to one of the designers and when the other man departed, he turned around towards the models lined up.

Their eyes locked.

The contact lasted only an instant before he turned and walked away to his designated seat. For a moment, Khushi experienced a stark pain of rejection. She missed the usual open admiration in his eyes but yet she knew it was better this way.

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