Chapter 6

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In the past, right after Kya left her burning home.

I ran, and ran. I used alleys to stay hidden, and when a thug tried to mug me, I lit my hands aflame and they backed away. I stopped when I was miles and miles away from the city. I was at a cave called Hells Entrance. It was a deep cave that nobody had tried to enter in hundreds of years. It had steam billowing from the entrance, and legend has it demons lived here. I lit a hand aflame and carefully made my way into the cavern. I slipped through a tight hole, and felt myself falling. A made jets of flame push from my hands and feet, burning through my shoes but slowing my fall. I landed down on the ground, about a mile below the hole. I used my pyre to light up the cavern, and it was huge. With stalagmites and stalactites, it was almost empty. If I could find a way to get in and out easier, I could live here.

My thoughts were interrupted by a cloud of steam erupting behinds. I jumped back and saw that it was a hot spring, and something inside me told me to get in. I carefully touched the water, and it was about 200° F. But it didn't hurt me. It was actually rather relaxing. I think that because of my powers I could withstand higher temperatures. I dropped into the water and sighed. I could live like this.

Time skip to a month later

I climbed out of the cave. I had found a pathway of sorts that led up near the hole, and had made it a bit wider. I started running to the city. After a month or so, I became a good runner, as I ran 10 miles to and from the city almost everyday. My thoughts were interrupted by a thud from behind me. I turned abruptly, stopping. A Mexican kid (I couldn't tell their gender) was lying on the ground crying. They definitely weren't there before. "Hey, are you ok?" I asked them in a soft voice. He looked up and scrambled backwards."you're Kya Scri, the girl who died in a fire a month ago. How are you here right now?" He asked in a scared voice. I chuckled and said," well, that wasn't a natural fire." I lit my hand. I look of confusion crossed his face before he grinned widely. He made a black circle appear next to him and beside me. He picked up a pebble and threw it through his portal. It hit me cheek. I offered him an extinguished hand. "Nathaniel Perezosa, Ms. Scri," he said politely. "Please, call me Kya!" I responded happily. He smiled. "So, where have you been this past month? And why did you kill your dad?" I smiled and explained my story.

After a while he used a portal to get us to my cave. I had made it more homely. I had stolen a mattress and gotten a lot of wood for making fires, and I started to build a small hut. I also stole some clothes and other necessities like food, water, etc. Nathaniel looked around. "This is... nice. Although we will be able to get more stuff more easily now that I'm here."

Time skip a month later (I know but just go with it)

Me and Nathaniel walked through the portal he made, exiting into an alley. We carefully walked around, and we saw something. It was a protest outside of a wood company. They're protesting the amount of trees being cut down. We slip into the crowd. After about 15 minutes, we get bored. But right as we turn to leave, we heard screams.

Nathaniel froze in fear, but I whipped around to try and help. A girl with oak brown hair was suspended in the air and controlling plants. She had an angry look in her eyes. "STOP MURDERING TREES WHEN YOU DONT NEED TO!!" She shouted. I calmed down, not on edge. I saw Nathaniel relaxing too. But I stiffened up again when I heard kaydes voice behind me, talking to me. "Excuse me, miss, do you know what happened. I shook my head, making sure he didn't see my face. He turned to Nathaniel. "What about you, sir?" He asked. Nathaniel told him he had no clue, and then Kayde walked over to the scene.

It wasn't a battle like you'd think. He froze the plants, and the girl fell. He caught her easily, and then the police arrested her. They sat her in a police car and then started talking to Kayde, calling him "Glace" or something. I looked at Nathaniel and he nodded at me. He opened a portal into the police car, and I extended a hand to the girl. She took it and I pulled her through. Immediately Kayde noticed and tried to block all three sides of us other than the one he was on. I melted it instantly. My hood fell down. Luckily, I had on a black mask that covered my birth mark. He looked at me in horror. "Y-you killed Kya. T-that was you." He said in a shaky voice. I glared at him. "My name is... Pyra. This is... Port and... Ivy. Watch you're fucking back," I said, making up names for us as I spoke. 'Port' opened a portal, and we stepped through it. It led into an alleyway far from where we were.

Ivy smiled at me. "Hi! I'm Cameron Fourustt. Thanks for saving me back there." Oh. that was her name. "Well, I can't say my name, but this is Na-" she cut me off. "Nathaniel Perezosa. We went to school together. By the way, Natalia is beating herself up over this whole 'twin is probably dead' shit" I raised an eyebrow at him. He shrugged. "Well, she'll see that I'm alive and well on TV. " he said.

Once they were all back, Kya looked around. She was rather proud of how well everything was going. They had set up about five small huts, two for sleeping, one for food, one had a hole in it that served as a bathroom(Nathaniel would use portals to empty it into sewers every night) and one as extra/storage. They also had a gas oven, and a clothesline. "Alright. Nath, can you empty out the extra hut? Cameron, you can control plants. If I provide light can you make some vegetable seeds grow for dinner?"I said. Both of them nodded, and we went to do our parts. Nathaniel finished moving the stuff about the time we finished growing the plants, so we started to make dinner. I lit the stove and the two started to make dinner. I was never a good cook, but DAMN Nathaniel is better than the 5-star chefs I grew up with. After dinner, we relaxed and sorta explained everything to Cameron.

Nathaniels POV

I ran across the rooftops, watching below me for any heroes. I didn't see any. I cursed myself for over using my power because now I had to run most of the way home. While carrying groceries. Suddenly a white portal appeared in front of me and I fell through before I could stop myself. "Hello, Nath. Been a while hasn't it?" I heard a familiar voice say. "Shit" I thought. I looked up and saw Natalia. "Hey Nat. Look, I was just getting groceries. I didn't steal them, look here's a receipt. " I said. My twin didn't look pleased. I looked around and we were in a steel room with a strong door. Natalia glared at me, before striding over. "What are you-" I started. She cut me off with a hug. "I missed you, s- bro. i thought you were dead until i saw you on TV years ago. why did you leave?" she said, starting to cry. i looked at her confused. "um... aren't i being arrested?" i asked. she nodded sadly. i felt my energy and i had enough power to get me home. she walked over to the door and poked her head out, saying something to who i assume was kayde mertis, the guy Kya was head over heels for, even after years. before they could stop me, i opened a portal under my feet and fell into the main hall of our home.

During the years we'd lived here, we had met two other people who joined us here. Austin and Rachel. Austin was Kayde's cousin, and he could control water. Rachel could emit and control gas from her body. with their help we had made a rather nice house. it was currently two levels, and we were trying to make a castle of sorts. It was going well, and it wasn't hard to use Austin's power for details. I went into the kitchen and set down the groceries. "Honey, I'm home!" I yelled. Austin came into the kitchen smiling. He walked over and put an arm around my waist, pulling me in then kissed me gently. I melted into it. "Get a room," Cameron scoffed from the doorway. "We has one until you came in," Austin retorted. I smiled. I liked our life, even if we were seen as villains or "sinners" as the public called us. So what we killed a few bad men every so often? If we're already wanted then we might as well do what we wanted.

A/N sorry I hadn't posted in a while, I was at summer camp.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter make sure to check out jaiden47 the original writer. Bye!
~love kittyagh❤️

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