Chapter 5

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Kyas POV

I woke with a start, hearing Kayde say my birth name. I jolted up to see him staring at me with wide eyes. "Kayde I can explain-" I started. He cut me off by rushing over and kissing me. I was shocked for a moment, but then I melted into the kiss. It was soft yet strong. He pulled away, and I saw tears running down his face. "I- I thought you died, 7 years ago. W-what- how- there was two bodies?" He asked. I smiled softly. "Well..."


I was in my room, helping the girl I met. She was about 10, my age, and homeless. Suddenly my father burst into my room. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH A PEASANT? I ALLOW THAT BLOND BOY BUT NOW THERES ANOTHER ONE? I WONT ALLOW IT!! GET THAT DISGUSTING BITCH OUT OF MY HOUSE THIS INSTANT, MISTAKE!!" He shouted in a drunk slur. I was furious. "What the hell?! What the fuck is wrong with you?! I'm done with your bullshit!" I shouted at him. "I WANT THAT PEASANT OUT OF HERE INSTANTLY!" He yelled," SO GET IT OUT OF HERE! I REGRET YOUR LIFE!" I scowled at him with the anger of a thousand suns. Then I took a deep breath, and thought," what would Kayde want me to do?" I sighed and said,"Dad, you've hurt me my whole life. I'm willing to forgive you, just calm down, please dad." I held out my arms, hoping he'd be understanding. But then he slapped me, and I fell to the floor.

I felt a heat rising within me, and flames were starting to flow from my hands. Something in me was controlling me and it kept me calm, and angry. I stood, and directed a flame at my father. He had a look of absolute terror in his eyes. Good. The next few minutes were a blur. Then suddenly the force keeping me furious and at ease was gone. I dropped to the floor, horrified at myself. The entire house was engulfed in flames, and both my father and the girl were burnt beyond recognition. I heard kaydes voice shouting at me. How was he in here? I ran and hid, and when I looked back I saw him using an ice power, which was like my own. I was confused, but now wasn't the time to ask questions. He would hate me for what I did. I was his best friend and I just murdered two people. I couldn't try to talk to him. I had to get out.

Back to present

"And then I left and I found the others over time and now I'm here," I finished. Kayde was crying. He hugged me tightly. Without saying anything, I pulled him into bed and we cuddled until we fell asleep.

A/N this scene is one I've had in mind for a while. It was inspired by the song silent scream by Anna Blue. The first two verses are her life, and the last one is this scene. The last chorus is when she gets her powers. Anyways, I know it's going fast, but I'm gonna try to put in more filler chapters. The fillers are gonna mostly be explaining backstories. Well, until next time, take it easy guys gals and non-binary pals, peace out!

(yes I am a huge fan of Thomas Sanders, and before you ask, my favorite side is either Virgil or Janus they're adorable {I love cats and snakes and Virgil is a cat and Janus is a snake so that explains that})

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed. Make sure you check out the writers account jaiden47 . Bye!
~love kittyagh❤️

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