Chapter 4

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A/N 7/6/2020: I haven't written in a bit. I had my dad over for a week. It was a nice visit! Now back to writing. This is one of my favorite Infinite songs, I'm sure I'll put more but if anyone is curious, I can write a list of my favorite songs of theirs. Now onto the story!


Her mother ignored her glare and continued to smile at Solomon, waiting for him to answer.

His mouth quirked up but quickly went back to normal. "Yes, it was nice."

"We were surprised to see the two people who don't dance at all with anyone, dance together."

"Mom!" Amelia whisper yelled.

"Yes, how in the world did you get my daughter to dance?" Her father chimed in.

Amelia was mortified but trying to hide it. Solomon noticed it anyway and had a small amused smirk on his face. "After I took over my family's business, I haven't been able to talk to Amelia and Tobias as much as I have in the past. I wanted to start a casual friendship with them since we aren't too far in age. I figured a dance was a good start."

Wow, was he a good liar. Amelia thought as she watched him from the side. Or did he actually know more and was covering for me? He caught her glance and smiled at her. She turned back to look at her food.

"It certainly did look like you two had fun. Oblivious to your surroundings like you two were the only ones there. It was refreshing to see. Most people get awkward, unless, you know they're married or dating."

Amelia choked on her drink. "Mom!"

"I think what she's trying to say is that you two looked natural together."

"Not helping, Dad!" She glared at the two. She composed herself and turned to Solomon. "I'm sorry for them. I think they're just trying to get revenge at me for earlier."

"No worries and I think you're right."

"Alright, we're even. Now cut it out please!" She hissed at her parents.

They chuckled but agreed. Then spent the rest of dinner talking about different things and as the dinner ended Solomon brought up the project again. "I have an idea, let's work on the project at my house the next time. That way you and your family can stay for dinner afterwards. Returning the favor of sorts." Solomon said towards Charles and Lisa. Then he faced Amelia. "Would you like to come over earlier in the day for lunch and how about we watch that movie I heard you talking about with your friend? Gemma has been pestering me about having you over, so I think it could be fun. What do you think, Amelia?"

"Yes, that sounds enjoyable." She replied, mildly awkwardly, which came across as shy to the others. "Wont I owe you a meal? Oh and I need to check my schedule to make sure I'm not working."

"You won't owe me anything, no." He smiled, amused. "How about for now, next Sunday? If you work then we can reschedule."

She exchanged a look with her parents, coming to a silent agreement. Charles nodded. "That should work with us. I'll contact you if we need to reschedule." Solomon gave a nod in return.

The dinner finished soon after and Amelia walked Solomon to the door while her parents cleaned up the dinner. "Are you sure I don't owe you a meal?"

"How about you owe me a dance at the next party instead?"

She took a quiet sharp intake of breath. She was surprised. "But why?" He lifted a brow and his lip twitched in amusement. She realized how rude she sounded. "I, uh, I apologize. That was rude. What I meant to say was-no-what I've been wondering is why you've been interested in becoming closer with me suddenly? Excuse me for my bluntness."

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