6- Evil

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Let's be honest, evil may have been an understatement.

Sarah's POV:

"Cate we have a problem." I called out to my wife as Lana hung up on me.
"What's wrong my love?" I grabbed her hands and sighed before looking up from my phone into her eyes. The concern she has was clearly being expressed across her face, her eyes soft and lips in a thin line while she tilted her head trying to read my face.
"I just got off the phone with Lana."
"What did she have to say now?" Cate was clearly annoyed. We both loved Lana very dearly but when she was in one of her moods there was no avoiding her wrath. And trust me, you did not want to be caught in that.

"She wanted me to make sure you had done what she had asked of you." Pausing for a moment to let Cate hopefully catch on so I would have to explain any further I tightened my grip, properly lacing her fingers with mine. She looked at me confusion written on every inch of her beautiful face and I sighed before continuing.
"She wants me to make sure that you fire Roni." I spoke in a much softer tone and this time made sure to avoid Cate's eyes.
"Sarah you know I can't do that. Roni is family. She needs this job, I know that and so do you. She fucked up and made a mistake." I knew Cate was right and there was no arguing with her. Roni was family. I loved her so much.

I simply nodded as Cate pulled me into her and light placed a soft peck to my forehead. "Don't worry your self with it my love. Leave it to me. I'll handle Lana." I sighed in happiness and relief. Happy to be wrapped in my wife's arms while she slightly rubbed my back. Relieved that Cate would be the one to speak with Lana.

Cate's POV:

I placed one last kiss to Sarah's head before stepping away.
"How about you lock up for the day. Perhaps call that guy to see if we can get our bookshelves fixed. If not, call Jennifer. I'm sure she'd have something in her store that we could buy."
Sarah looked so much happier in that moment. And nodded frantically as she hurried towards the door preparing to lock up.

Now I had to handle Lana. I decided calling her was probably a bad option because I would not like if she were to shout. Face to face was definitely not an option, she had a gaze that could kill. Texting her it was.

(Text conversation between Lana and Cate."

Lana, we need to talk.
We do? I wasn't aware that we had anything to talk about.
Lana don't do that, don't pull the clueless card on me. We've known each other far to long for that.
I have no clueless act Cate. Get to the point.
Whatever you say. Here's my point. I will NOT fire Roni.
I have no idea why you feel the need to protect her. She's incompetent and clearly a horrid excuse of an employee, not to mention a child! How old is she? 12?
Lana she's the only employee I've ever had! I trust her! She's an amazing barista and you'd know that if you'd ever given her a chance before jumping down her throat and attacking her. She's not a child, she's 18.
18! Cate! She's a child. And I want her gone. I do not like to be disappointed.
Well for once you're going to be disappointed. We are friends. You are not my boss. I do not take orders from you. Please respect my decision to keep my own employees in my own cafe.
We are friends Cate. Which is why I thought you'd be on my side. Why do you want Roni around so bad?
She's family Lana. A very close friend not only of myself but also of Sarah. She needs this job. And I will not take it away from her.
Why is she so desperate for a pathetic barista position? Surely if she's as great as you make her out to be she could get a much higher paying job in a better coffee store.
That's personal Lana. I will not tell you her life story. But she's had it hard. I offered her support in a hard time.
I'm not happy about this. However I do not wish to spend my time arguing with you after your text has awoken me from a quiet peaceful nap. Keep your employee. But next time, I will not be so kind.
Well I'm sorry to have woken you. Goodbye myself and Sarah have some things to do so I will see you when you next come to the cafe.
Indeed you will.

"That was a much longer conversation then I intended it to be." I muttered mostly to myself. I looked around for Sarah and after I couldn't spot her I decided to turn off the lights and wrap up the remaining cakes in small packages to hand out to the few homeless people who arrived at the cafe every few days. It wasn't much to give them, but they always seemed happy to receive at least some sort of food.

Lana's POV:

Knowing that there was now no way I would return to my peaceful sleep I decided to just relax in my bed and let my mind flow with thoughts.
Cate never argued with me. She usually gave in. I was surprised and almost proud that she had the courage to text me in such a manner.

Then again it was that. Just a text. There was no way she could have said such crazy things to me in person.

I couldn't comprehend why Cate and even Sarah wanted to keep Roni around so badly. She was a child. A mere 18 years old. Less then half their ages. Less then half my own age. Cate had said she'd had a hard time. What could be so hard about her life? She's 18, her whole life ahead of her. Her biggest problem should be worrying about what colour to next paint her nails.

I decided I would once again visit the cafe tomorrow. Unannounced of course. If I told them when I was arriving they would hide Roni from me. I definitely did not want that.

A smug smile formed on my face as I thought of a plan. A very skilled plan if I do say so myself.

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