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►Here's the Prompt!

Take a well-known story, be it a fairy tale, fable, myth, epic, legend, classic novel, play, ballet... anything that might be considered a 'classic story' and put an unexpected creative spin on it.

It doesn't matter which cultural background your original story comes from, it just has to be something that most people would be familiar with and would recognise.

We are looking for retellings that combine well-known characters and storylines with unexpected elements. Think something like Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

Blow our minds with your creativity.

We would like to keep this contest fairly open to allow you and your imagination a lot of freedom, so we chose not to include any mandatory prompts. However, we came up with a few examples to better illustrate what we have in mind when we say 'unexpected' and to help those of you, who might be stumped for ideas.

Feel free to use any of these for your stories if you like them and they spark your creativity. Or just come up with your own idea.

➢ Beauty and the Beast... in space

➢ A DieselPunk of the Little Mermaid.

➢ Cinderella by day, Sinderella by night

➢  Hades and Persephone as a modern CEO story

➢ Your favourite myth in a completely different cultural setting or time period of your choice

➢ Macbeth... with werewolves

➢ Wuthering Heights set in an American highschool

➢ David and Goliath as a horror story

➢ If you want to write the story by addressing diversity themes, feel free to do so.

Rewind The Classics CONTESTWhere stories live. Discover now