Chapter Two

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Six Years Later

My alarm blares at me, disrupting me from my sleep. I look at the clock that sits beside my bed. 4:30. Groaning I roll out of bed and trudge to the bathroom. I don't bother looking at myself in the mirror, already knowing I look like trash. I get into the shower and wash my hair. When I get out, I put it into two boxer braids and clip on my old hoops and pull on black ripped jeans and a red crop top, showing off my toned tan stomach and belly button piercings. 

I slip on some white vans and walk downstairs to the kitchen. Hunter is sitting at the table reading the newspaper. I walk past him and grab fruit from the fridge to make a fruit smoothie.

Without looking up he reads, "The Hawks, an all girl gang, made another appearance at the Governor's Banquet last night. They stayed in the background watching everyone like the bird they represent. Their leader, Nicole Adams who joined them six years ago was seen talking to the Governor himself. Nobody knows what they're up to this time, but for all we know, it could be dangerous and risky for us all."

I scoff. "They act like they know us."

"You never know," he says, "That's why I always say-"

"Don't trust anyone other than your fellow Hawks, I know, I know." I say dismissively.

"I have a meeting with the Snakes today," he tells me.

I look up at him in surprise. "That guy gang that's on the other side of town?"

"That's the one." he states.

"What about?"

"Just an upcoming assignment," he says casually.

"One that I should know about?" I ask him.

"I'll tell you when I get back."

"Does it have something to do with the Banquet last night?"

"I can't say anything until after the meeting."

I roll my eyes. "Okay, fine."

He gets up from the table. And walks over to me. "I'm leaving now, and won't be back till later. Make sure the rest of the girls get up and train before I get back."

"Sure thing, boss." I say. He gives me a kiss on the head before heading out the door. I turn on the blender and watch as all the fruits blend together.

Before you make any assumptions, no, Hunter and I are not together. First of all, he's my boss, and second, he's like thirty-six. A thirty-six year old and an eighteen year old dating? Ew. He's like a dad to all us girls.

Speaking of which, I look at the time and turn off the blender. I pour it into a cup and walk over to an intercom on the wall. I press speak and then all room and yell into it, "RISE AND SHINE LADIES! IT'S TIME TO TRAIN!"

I hear groaning and shuffling out of bed and I smile to myself. Within 15 minutes, the girls were all trudging downstairs. They all showered and got dressed and scavenged their cupboards for food. We all have our own diets so it's easier for us to each have our own cupboard where we store all the food we need. I sit at the head of the table and drink my smoothie while I watch all fifteen girls scurry around the kitchen.

I know, I know, that sounds small for a gang, but trust me. We fight like an army. Plus, there are more of us, but they are located in different parts of the U.S. All of us joined when we were 12. The minimum age. And no, it was not by choice. The same thing happened to all of us. Our so-called "parents" brought us here then left right after they were paid.

Long story short, the people we called mom and dad were not related to us at all. Apparently, we were each abandoned at an orphanage and Hunter paid a bunch of couples to come pick and raise one of us, training us until we were old enough to join the gang. By training, our parents would take us hunting to practice shooting and made us join Boy Scouts where we learned to throw knives and lots of other stuff that gave us the skills we needed to be part of this gang.

I was one of the first people to join. Jasmin, Jaz for short, Mckenna, and I were the first girls. We were here alone with Hunter before the others joined. I don't personally talk to each of them, but I know all their names because well, I'm their leader. The older girls, (17-19), are me, Jasmin, Mckenna, Jo, and Mackenzie. The middle girls, (15-16), are Zoe, Raven, Samantha, and Rose. And the babies of the group, (12-14), Scarlett, Violet, Lily, Pearl, Julie, and Daisy.

They are all good sports about our busy schedule. Even the babies. We all have to get up at 5am to go train for three hours then have a couple hours of free time before training again and then going out for missions if there are any. Sometimes we spend days or even weeks cooped up in this house. We aren't allowed to go to school because we never know if there are spies from other gangs there. We have to be careful about other gangs, especially the Arrows.

They are a coed gang that for some reason have a very keen interest in us. The only place that we are safe in is this house. The walls are soundproof and it is highly guarded outside. And even if they managed to get passed the guards. They would have to face fifteen girls that have been trained in knife throwing, shooting guns, archery, and boxing since we were three. Good luck with that.

All the girls sit down around me at the table and eat while I give them the gist of the day. "Hunter went to go meet with the Snakes." I say. They all gasp and start whispering amongst themselves.

Daisy speaks up. "Aren't they the all guy group that we've partnered with in the past?"

"Yes," I say.

"What are they doing there?" Mckenna asks.

"Discussing another mission," I answer.

"Is there a chance that we will be partnering with them again?" Jo questions.

I shrug. "He didn't give me that much information, but I'm pretty sure that is a chance."

"Oooooo," everyone at the table goes.

"Hopefully they're hot," Raven says dreamily. We all laugh. Hey, we may be a gang but we are also all teenage girls. Cut us some slack.

"They better be," Samantha says sternly.

"Okay, okay, calm down," I say. Everyone shuts up. "We have training to do," They all groan and get up, clearing their plates and we all make our way to the gym on the bottom floor.

When the Gangs UniteTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon