Chapter 31-

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April like 7-
The past few days of tour were very uneventful. Ryan and Cat mostly recovered from their injuries, and today was a driving day, so they were stuck in the bus. Lilly didn't seem to mind, she loved the bus. Since they were on tour, but Lilly was still in school, she was given a bunch of stuff to work on while she was gone. But, they've been having so much fun on tour, that she hasn't done any of it yet. They decided since they were driving all day, Lilly could start some of her homework. Adam said he was gonna help Lilly, and act as her teacher. They decided to set up in the back lounge, to try to get away from as many distractions as possible. Adam and Lilly sat at the table in the back lounge, and started with math. Lilly has her blanket over her lap, Evan by her side, and Adam sat across from her at the table. JJ and Ezra came to sit in the back a bit later. They promised they would be quiet, so they were allowed back, with permission from Lilly. Lilly and Adam move on from math and started doing some history. They started working on an assignment, and Lilly has a flashback to when she had a panic attack in class. Lilly stares off into nothingness, with everyone noticing. Adam asks,
"Hey Lil, you ok?" Lilly suddenly snaps out of her thoughts and looks at Adam, panicked. Adam steps out of the seat where he was, and sits beside Lilly in her seat. JJ and Ezra didn't know what to do, but they thought they would cause more harm then good if they left, so they stayed on the couch. Adam rests a hand on Lilly's back, as she continues her panic attack.
"Remember your breathing trick Lilly." Adam mentions. Lilly starts to get overstimulated with everything around her, and the lights became too much for her to handle. She buries her head in Adam's chest, his arms wrapping around her, pulling her up to sit in his lap. Lilly's blanket was falling off her lap, so Adam pulled it over her back. Lilly was starting to get used to having other people calm her down, so she didn't even ask for Jack or Ryan to be there. Within a few minutes, Lilly was calmed down.
"Good job Lil." Adam says. Lilly sits up, taking a deep breath.
"You ok?" Adam asks. Lilly nods.
"Can we be done with school for today?" Lilly asks quietly.
"Sure Lil. I'm gonna go get you some water though, is that ok?" Adam says.
"I've got it Adam." JJ says.
"Oh, thanks JJ!" Adam says.
"Thanks for calming me down. Again." Lilly says.
"Of course Lil! You feeling better now?"
"I guess. Just started freaking out about when I freaked out in history class and you guys had to come pick me up from school." Lilly explains.
"Yeah that makes sense. We'll work on it another day, alright? Maybe we can have Jack and Ryan there next time." Adam suggests. Lilly nods, and lays back down on Adam. JJ comes back with the water, handing it to Adam.
"Thanks JJ." Adam says.
"Of course!" JJ responds. "I also told Jack and Ryan."
"Sweet. Thanks!" Adam says, thankful he didn't have to break the news again, although he did get to calm Lilly down again, alone, and there were people there watching.
"Lil, sit up and drink some water, ok?" Adam asks. Lilly sits up and turn sideways in Adam's lap. She takes the water bottle and drinks some water. She closes up the bottle and lays back down on Adam's chest.
"Wanna play a game instead Lilly?" Adam asks.
"Ooh! Sure." Lilly responds.
"That would be fun! Mind if I join you?" JJ asks.
"Me too?" Ezra adds.
"Of course!" Adam says.
"What should we play?" Lilly asks.
"Apples to apples?" Ezra suggests.
"Oh yeah! I'm gonna win!" Lilly says. JJ grabs the game and brings it back to the table. Adam moves Lilly's school stuff out of the way as JJ and Ezra set up the game. Lilly stayed sitting on Adam's lap, turning back to face the table. They play a few rounds of apples to apples, them all dying of laughter by the end of it. They put it away, and they all head to the front lounge.
"Hey Lil! You ok?" Jack asks.
"Yeah. Adam calmed me down again!" Lilly says. "And Ezra and JJ were there the whole time!" Lilly says.
"Wow Lilly!! Good job!!" Ryan says.
"I'm so proud of how far you've come only in these few weeks of tour Lil!" Jack says, giving Lilly a hug.
"You're doing awesome Lil!" Cat adds. They decide to watch movies for the rest of the day, then fell asleep.

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