Chapter 10-

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FRIDAY-MARCH 5-No School-Early Spring Break

Lilly wakes up and looks at the door to her bedroom. Ryan comes walking up, and suddenly falls down and starts twitching. Lilly ran over to him and yelled at Jack. Jack woke up and ran over to Ryan. Jack yells to wake Adam up, and Adam comes over to them. Adam calls 911, and after a bit he hangs up, saying the paramedics were on the way. When the paramedics got there, Jack told Lilly to go sit on his bed and wait. Lilly listens, and sadly walked away, starting to cry. The paramedics lifted Ryan onto a stretcher and started taking him away. Lilly goes running after Ryan, and gets stopped by Jack, who walks her back over to the bed, tackling her into the mattress and pinning her down by hugging her. Lilly fights it and Jack is trying to calm her down. Adam comes in to help with Lilly, and they eventually calm her down a bit.

"It's ok Lil, they're helping him." Jack was saying.

"Wanna go down to the hospital and wait for him, or wait here?" Adam asked.

"We can wait here for a bit. I want Lil to relax before we take her anywhere." Jack responds, Lilly still crying.

"That's a good plan Jack." Adam says. "I'm gonna head down though. I'll let you know when it's safe to come down. We should also tell Mom and Dad."

"Yeah. I'll do that once Lilly calms down a bit. See you down there." Jack says. Adam walks out, closing the bedroom door. Jack then focuses on calming down Lilly.

"Lilly, it's ok, calm down, we can go see him if you relax."

"Will he b-be o-ok?" Lilly asks, calming down a bit more.

"He'll be fine, I'm sure. Jack says.

Then Lilly wakes up, breathing quickly, looking at the door, and then looking down at Jack's bed, and sees Adam on the floor. She looks where Ryan was supposed to be sleeping and doesn't see him.

"Where's Ryan?" Lilly asks panicking a bit. Jack stands up on his bed, looking at Lilly.

"He went to go write for someone. Why?"

"I had a nightmare about him." Lilly said starting to tear up.

"Lilly! Come here." Jack says sadly. Jack helps Lilly get down from her bunk and sits back on his bed, with his back against the one side again. Adam wakes up and looks at Lilly + Jack.

"What's wrong?" Adam asks.

"She had a nightmare about Ryan." Jack answered.

"What happened in your nightmare Lilly?" Adam asks. Lilly takes a deep breath and explains the dream. She calms down after explaining it, and asks,

"When will Ryan be back?"

"Oh, he left an hour or so ago, he should be back in a bit." Jack said looking at the clock on the wall. Just then, Adam gets a text from Ryan, asking if one of them could come with Lilly down to the studio, because he needed help with something. Lilly lights up looking at Adam and then Jack.

"Can we go??" Lilly asks excitedly.

"Yeah, go get your shoes and coat on, I'll go with you, I'll be there in a sec." Jack said. Lilly runs out of her room and puts her shoes and coat on, running back into her room to bug Jack for being slow.

"You haven't eaten breakfast yet Lilly!" Adam says.

"Breakfast doesn't matter!" Lilly says, pulling Jack out of his bed. Adam then responds to Ryan, saying that Lilly + Jack will be there, and Ryan responds asking them to bring a couple of instruments down with them, including the toy piano. Adam tells Jack to get the instruments and Jack + Lilly are off to the studio where Ryan is.

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