Chapter 27-

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At the venue, the boys were doing soundcheck and Cat was in the bus, and Lilly was left alone in the dressing room. She sits down on the couch and starts overthinking about everything. She curls up into a ball and starts panicking. She starts hyperventilating like normal and shaking like crazy. Dane, one of the crew guys walks into the dressing room and when he sees Lilly, he walks over to her and asks,
"Hey, Lilly, are you having a panic attack?" Lilly can't say anything but just nods her head.
"Ok, I'll get someone to get your brothers, hold on." Dane says. JJ walks past the dressing room and Dane calls him.
"JJ! Come here for a second."
"Hey Dane, what's up?" JJ says.
"Stay here with Lilly for a second, I have to go get the guys." Dane says.
"Ok." JJ says. JJ sits down in front of Lilly on the table and says,
"Hey Lilly. Your brothers are on their way, you're gonna be fine." JJ says.
"But I-I can't breathe!" Lilly cries.
"Hey Lilly, you'll be ok." JJ says. The boys come back in the dressing room and sit beside Lilly on the couch. JJ leaves the dressing room. Ryan pulls Lilly into his chest and rubs her back.
"Hey Lil, it's ok." Ryan says.
"C-can someone turn off the lights?" Lilly says. Jack stands up and turns of the lights.
"Lil, you know what this is, just breathe." Jack says as he sits down again beside Lilly and Ryan.
"Lil, remember the breathing trick Cat taught you?" Ryan says. Lilly nods. "Try that again Lil."
"It's nice and dark in here, let Ryan relax you and get your breathing back." Adam says.
"Hey Adam, put your hand on her back again." Ryan says. Adam sits on the other side of Ryan and rests his hand on Lilly's back. Within minutes Lilly was calmed down and relaxed. Then Ryan has an idea.
"Hey Adam, I'm gonna put Lilly on you."
"Ok." Adam replies.
"Is that ok Lil?" Ryan asks. Lilly nods her head. Adam sits back on the couch and Ryan picked up Lilly and moved her to Adam.
"Alright. So Adam, wrap your arms around her back and Lilly, just relax." Ryan says. Ryan rested his hand on Lilly's back to make sure she didn't freak out again. They stayed in the dark for a while until they get called for dinner. Lilly stands up along with the boys but gets nervous.
"But some of the other people saw me panicking." Lilly says.
"Lilly, the crew is super nice, they're not gonna judge you." Jack says.
"Ok.." Lilly says hesitantly.
"Come on Lil, let's go get some food." Ryan says, grabbing Lilly's hand.
After they had dinner, the played through the show beautifully, went back on the bus, and all fell asleep.

AJR- Little SisterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz