Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

A loud sob woke me up from my slumber. By the time I realized I had made that noise, tears pricked at the corners of my eyes. Of course he wouldn't be that nice, idiot. Keep dreaming.

The dream world was better than the real world. My face stung from the overflow of tears and my body ached from my nap on the hard wooden floor, especially my neck. I had subconsciously made sure I didn't move for Mika, who had disappeared.

I slowly sat up and stared down at the polished floor, shaking my head slowly. I can't give up now... maybe there really is something here for me... I huffed out a breath and slowly pulled myself off the ground, immediately walking to the bathroom when I realised the dream had made me sticky from sweat.

Entities and Non-Entities. These two words sparked something in the back of my mind but I couldn't recall a thing about them. That feeling happened quite often. I knew things, but at the same time, I didn't.

I stripped my clothes off and stepped into the shower with a heavy sigh. It was nice to cry while having a shower. You can lie to yourself and simply say, 'It's the water, not my tears,' because wouldn't that just be ideal?

When the water started shifting to a lukewarm feeling, I decided to force myself out. With my hair completely dried and my body fully clothed, I wandered out of the bathroom with a solemn expression on my face.

The house was dead silent. Usually at the time, Tsukasa was making dinner. "Mika?" I called out when I left the bedroom, the faint sound of my feet padding against the smooth hardwood floor. "Tsukasa? Ikuto?" Furrowing my eyebrows, I carefully proceeded down the stairs, my whole body on alert from the stress building up in my body. I could almost feel my adrenal glands pumping my body up with adrenaline, unconsciously preparing me for what was to come. Something was wrong. It was so wrong, it made my knees weak and my nostrils flare up... from the smell. Oh God, the smell. It consisted of sour milk and rotting flesh all mashed up into a filthy dumpster.

And how stupid was I to follow that smell?

My body lead me to the living room, where a young man sat on the couch, his legs crossed politely. His dirty blond hair was disheveled and his piercing blue eyes locking on mine the minute I entered the room. He was dressed in dark brown button-up with crisply whitened dress pants, his glossy shoes matching the colour of his shoes perfectly. The smell vanished and was replaced with a rich vanilla-lavender scent. The smell almost immediately took over my brain but I forced myself to not give into the weakening effect it gave on me. Once my eyes opened again, my gaze moved over to Tsukasa and Ikuto, who were seemingly passed out on the other couch, a dark blue substance oozing up their bodies. "Wha- Who are you!? Let them go!" I cut across the living room to their bodies but let out a pained gasp when I was stopped abruptly by the same oozing liquid-like substance clinging onto my arm. A hissing sound was created at the contact of my skin.

The man gasped himself and the ooze slid off of me limply, as if it had lost its power. "Is that any way to treat your dear big brother?"

My head snapped towards the man in confusion and I shook my head, making me stumble back away from him. "Wh... I don't have a brother!"

"Oh Kumiko... You were so naive back then. Couldn't remember your dear brother whom you loved so deeply?" he asked out loud, making me glare over at him and then to Ikuto.

"I'm Sora Kimura and I have no idea who you are! Just let them go!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, passionate rage filling my body. Mika! I need you!

The man simply let out a cackling laugh and tossed his head back, almost immediately stopping and holding a hand in front of his chest. "Why, I'm sorry! Where are my manners? I am Neikan Towa and I would like my necklace back, Kumi Hyoh."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2015 ⏰

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