Chaper Six

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Chapter Six

Mika had been nudging me to open up the window for the past hour, but I didn't move a muscle. My body was glued to the comfortable bed. When her pestering died off, I finally opened my tired eyes.

No one Amu looked so lost when she saw Ikuto with me. I mean, he looked like a play boy but I didn't think he'd go that far. A dejected sigh fell from my lips and I stared out the window. What was I supposed to do now? Go back to Italy?


I'm going back.

My body forced itself out of bed and I slowly grabbed my bag and my violin case, my eyes fixed on the floor beneath my feet. I don't belong here. Why am I such a dumbass?

With a surprised gasp, Mika rushed over to me and planted herself right in front of my face, crossing her arms. "Are you doing what I think you're doing?"

"Leaving? Yeah." The slight guilt rushed over me and I lowered my head, letting out a deep breath. "I can't do this. This was so... so dumb. I'm so gullible and dumb."

She instantly attempted to push me back with all of her strength, her miniature cat ears flat against her head. "You can't, Sora! Did you see that thing today?! Maybe... Maybe that's why Ikuto brought you here!"

I shook my head in anger at the thought of that despicable being. "He's a filthy liar and I am not going to tolerate someone who uses people for their own benefit... you, out of all people, should know that, Mika." My raged gaze moved up to her but immediately saddened, my heart cracking like a dried leaf when stepped on. Mika intensely stared directly into my eyes with tiny tears at the corners of hers.

"I thought this was helping you, Sora... I thought you were getting better and finally enjoying life! That's your dream! So... why aren't you even trying to fulfill it...?" Her gaze fell from my face but flickered back up once I started talking.

"I..." I sucked in a deep breath to keep my voice somewhat strong and not wavering, "...because I'm... I know that I'm gonna lose you if I did."

There was a moment of silence between us, enough time for Mika to collect herself and for me to gently hold her in my hands, slowly sinking into the ground. "You're scared of losing me?"

With a curt nod, I reached up and let my hair free from the elastic's grasp, curling up on the floor with a sigh. "Guess I haven't showed it for a while, huh?"

"One day, Sora. One day you'll have to let me go." She slid off my hand to make herself comfy in my hair on the floor.

"I know. Just not now," I murmured quietly, my eyes once again growing tired, fluttering shut after a few seconds.

I could only sleep this quickly and peacefully when Mika was around. I didn't want that protected feeling to vanish when she left.


My hands curled around soft blankets once I started to wake up, my hair draped around my upper body almost like a cocoon. My body felt heavy but fully charged when I fully came to my senses. I sat up and glanced around the warm room. No lights were on but the orangey-pink colour from the sky filtered in through the window. My bag and violin case were put back in their respectful places and Mika was soundlessly sleeping on the pillow beside mine. Although I was confused on how I got onto the bed, I ignored that feeling and slowly crawled out of bed, checking the clock on the wall beside the window. 7:34 p.m. and my stomach definitely needed some nourishment.

The house seemed dead silent until I opened the bedroom door to exit the room. Closing it behind me, the noise I heard instantly clicked in my brain. A violin. Ikuto.

I inwardly yelled at myself to ignore the sound as I made my way downstairs to the kitchen. Tsukasa was no where in sight, which made me in a deflated mood. I sucked at making any kind of food.

A few minutes later, I found myself pouting on the kitchen floor. This is what happened when you scavenged around for food instead of learning how to make it.

The distant music started to seep into my brain as the seconds went by. What made me finally follow the sound was the sadness etched into each note made. It led me outside to the gorgeous backyard and out the back gate, along a small green path to the field opposite to the school.

Ikuto stood there facing the sunset, standing tall but loose, almost like he was allowing his whole body to play the instrument. All his movements were majestic and smooth, his eyes closed peacefully as if he were sleeping (I don't intentionally watch him while he sleeps, it just happens...). The sunset bathed him in the warmest hue I've ever seen, his indigo hair dark and silk-like. All I could do was stare. And stare. And stare.

Pity hit me like a sledgehammer when the first few tears slid down his face. It created a domino effect.

I desperately tried to keep quiet but ended up letting out a soft sniffle as I was wiping my eyes. I hadn't even noticed the music stopped playing until two strong arms wrapped around me, one arm wrapped around my waist with a hand on my hip and the other one rested along my spine, a hand cradling my head and pushing my face into his chest. "I'm not using you, Sora. If I were, I wouldn't have brought you here at all. I've been a disappointment to everyone around me and having you around seems to make them so proud... if you think I'm using you, just know it's for a good reason and everyone will benefit later..." he trailed off and rested his chin on top of my head. "And if you want to leave, I'll let you."

My silent tears slowed down to a stop after minute or so before I pulled back to glance up at him, diverting my gaze quickly when I realised I must've looked horrid. "I... I won't-" My stomach let out a grumbled growl, my face lighting up like a pink lightbulb. "I-If you make me food right now, I won't leave..."

His laugh is what sprung a small smile onto my face, his hands moving up to cup my face. "Alright, I'll catch up to you... or you can wait." He leaned down and pressed his lips to my forehead before walking back to his violin, making my heart skip a beat and my skin grow hot. He was being so kind... "Oh, and you look cute with your hair down. But it was hard putting you in bed without pulling on it."

I let out a loud laugh to mask my uneasiness to this newfound kindness. "Explains why my whole head hurts!"

As we started walking back, he raised an eyebrow and gave me a playful smile. "Your whole body would've hurt if you slept on the ground, silly Kitty." He reached up and flicked my forehead before opening the gate for me.

I whined loudly and took a few long strides to let my face cool down and return back it its normal colour. I wasn't sure if I liked this side of Ikuto, but he was probably just trying to make it up for our fight... no, my misunderstanding.

That night Ikuto and I had dinner without Amakawa since he had a meeting to attend to. We ate macaroni and ended up watching a movie in the living room. The couch was uncomfortable, so I made myself a place on Ikuto's stomach, draping a blanket over him as a barrier between us. And surprisingly, he respected that barrier all night long up until we fell fast asleep.


I can't make any promises that updates will be fast. Sometimes I just don't have the right feeling to write this aka writer's block, but I really do try. It's the same with my other fics, and I apologize. </3

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