Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Ikuto, shut up."

"Well, get up then."

"I didn't sign a contract that said I had to wake up at a certain time!"

"In my mind you did, so get up, Sora."

He poked my cheek again and I swatted him away. "Cut it out, Ikuto!"

A deep chuckle echoed throughout the planetarium, making me sigh in annoyance. My eyes fluttered open and I was almost confused when I saw the bright stars above, but quickly reminded myself that we were in a planetarium.

My mind started wandering to different things. I was in Japan again. I was with a guy who was a mischievous, confusingly attractive liar. I was now his fake girlfriend just so his friends and family would think he was doing alright.

My eyes slowly traveled over to where Ikuto sat. His tousled navy hair covered his eyes slightly as he stared down at the ground, fiddling with his phone. His deep, enthralling irises were fixed on the screen below him, a small smile forming on his lips. He wasn't.. too bad. I had nothing better to do, so this experience could show me I don't need anyone, right?

"Whatcha lookin' at~nyan?" I quickly averted my gaze to Ikuto's Chara, Yoru. A miniature sized Ikuto. Great.

"Nothing," I simply replied, sitting up slowly and stretching my arms out in front of me, pressing my palms against the ground. My fingers crawled forward slightly as I arched my back, lifting my head up towards the seats around us.

"Hey, mister! Get your eyes off-" I slowly glanced over at Mika, squinting down at her and then to Ikuto who held his hand over her face. His facial features grew tense after glancing over at the door.

He quickly moved Mika to the side and before I knew it, he had me pinned down to the ground, his large hands firmly wrapped around my tiny wrists and his leg slipping between mine. "I-Ik- let me go!" Confusion swept over me and a sudden small, whiny noise falling from my lips. His soft, warm lips were pressed against my windpipe and he started sloppily pressing kisses up my neck, loud suctioning noises emitting from the contact.

A strange sensation coiled inside my stomach. It made me feel sickly sweet and gooey, almost instantly making me go limp under him. My breaths were coming out uneven and shaky, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. I never knew neck's were that sensitive. "Ikuto, wh-what's gotten into you...?" I managed to squeak out as his lips reached the bottom of my ear.

"Amakawa." His voice was deep and rough, but also a bit shaky. Almost like he couldn't control himself.

However, just that name made me realize he was doing this to trick Tsukasa. Just as the man walk in, I squeezed my eyes shut, my face burning up in embarrassment.

"Oh my- I'm so sorry! I'll, uh, come back in a few minutes.." Tsukasa stuttered before quickly closing the auditorium door.

As soon as he left, I shoved Ikuto off of me with a small huff, wiping his saliva off my neck. "You could warn me next time..." I mumbled under my breath, sheepishly looking away from his eyes.

Suddenly, his fingers tilted my head towards him, his eyes bright and playful. "That wouldn't be fun, baby doll."

My face started heating up again and I pushed him away, standing up with a lack of confidence. "Ha! Oh, so funny." I let out a sarcastic laugh and rolled my eyes, scooping up my violin and bag.

There was a slightly awkward silence when we noticed Yoru and Mika staring at us, their faces also bright red.

"Pervert alert! Sora-chan, run!" Mika shouted enthusiastically, trying her best to push me away from Ikuto. A warm chuckle vibrated through my throat as I watched her, Yoru shamefully sitting on Ikuto's shoulder.

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