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Note: This is my first story here in Wattpad. I hope you like reading it. Please show some kindness if you liked the story by leaving a like or comment or vote. I don't much understand how things work on here. Will definitely appreciate some support.

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Beauty is only skin deep, they said. But in her world, it was what determined the worth of a person. Whoever said a person's intellect is preferred over beauty? That's all a load of crap. Especially women like her fought this stereotype on a daily basis. They had but one job to wake up and look beautiful. That is not an easy job, by the way, as many would imagine. It is not just about being able to wear beautiful dresses, jewelry and the best makeup. Every day is a struggle. One scratch or a slip and you probably won't ever see the ramp again.

She had been blessed with above-average looks. She would have liked to be known as someone with an exceptional intelligence but the most talked about trait of hers had always been her looks. Though it did pain her to be viewed as nothing but another pretty face, even by her own mother, and never noticed for anything beyond that, Khushi was extremely thankful to have been blessed with it at only one instance.

For, it had introduced her to the world of modeling when she had never even imagined she would be a model. For, it had led her to be noticed by the likes of him.

And it had put her in his world, right under his nose and within his touch. Literally. She flushed thinking it was the only world she could imagine living in. What her life had been before that, she seldom remembered.

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