16 || Rescuing Harry

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Third person- Harry.

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Harry was slipping into a fitful sleep...he was sitting in a zoo cage behind a sign labeled "Underage Wizard" and people were jeering at him through the bars of his cage...Dudley goggled at him, five chins wobbling...

Harry woke with a start. Someone was, in fact, staring at him through the bars on his window, but it wasn't Dudley. Ron's pale, freckled face and mop of red hair greeted him.

"All right, Harry?" came another voice-the Weasley twins.

"Ron? Fred? George?" Harry asked, bewildered. Was he still dreaming? "What are you doing here?"

"Rescuing you, of course," said Fred.

"Missed one," said a feminine voice from behind Ron. Ashlynn Dream poked her head out of what appeared to be a floating car's window, scowling.

"Ash? Why're you-"

"If you'd bothered to read my letters, you would know," she replied stonily, but Harry couldn't help but notice the glint of amusement in her grey eyes.

"Listen, it wasn't my fault--there was this house elf and I got in trouble because he used magic--"

"Stop gibbering," Ron said. "We're here to break you out."

"But you can't magic me out-" Harry started.

"You forget who I've got with me."

Fred and George looped a rope around the bars covering his window and slammed on the gas. With a horrible tearing noise, the bars were ripped from the wall and fell onto the pavement below with a clatter.

"Where's your stuff?" Fred whispered. Harry listened for any signs of his Aunt or Uncle being awake, but there was no sound.

"In the cupboard under the stairs," he murmured back.

Fred and George grabbed an ordinary hairpin from the dashboard and then climbed through the window.

"Useful when you can't use magic at home, rather under-rated," George said as he fiddled with the lock on Harry's bedroom door.

"Watch the bottom step, it creaks," Harry warned the twins as they climbed down. Soon, they came back upstairs, liggin Harry's trunk and his broomstick.

"Okay, climb in-" Harry started in, but Hedwig gave a loud screech.

"I've forgotten Hedwig!" Harry dove back in through the window and grabbed her cage, tossing it to Ron, who caught it and handed it to Ash.

"PETUNIA!" Uncle Vernon had barreled into the room, wide awake and still in his nightclothes. "HE'S ESCAPING! HE'S ESCAPING!" he had grabbed Harry's ankle in a desperate attempt to keep him from getting away. Ron was pulling on Harry's arms, but losing the battle.

"Oh, move over," Ash scoffed, and with one fierce tug she pulled Harry into the car.

"See you next summer!" Harry called gleefully as the car sped away from 4 Privet Drive.

"You better have a good explanation for why you didn't answer any of my letters," Ash said, frowning at him. Harry proceeded to explain about the house-elf named Dobby, the magic violet pudding fiasco, the warning from the Ministry, and apologized to Ash, telling her about Uncle Vernon locking up Hedwig in her cage, which Ron promptly unlocked so Hedwig could fly next to the car.

"Apology accepted," Ash said, smiling at Harry. She looked as though she had just wanted to make him squirm a little.

"Very fishy," mused Fred in response to Harry's tale.

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