Chapter 19 // Kenma

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The ball had dropped on the other side of the court, meaning that Nekoma had just scored a point, but Kenma had no interest in what was happening on the court anymore. Instead, the second-year looked at the redhead, who was being yelled at by Karasuno's first-year setter. 

"That was... harsh," Kenma heard Yaku say, barely audible, but loud enough for the setter to hear, who agreed with his teammate's statement.

Right after that, Kenma saw Shoyo run out of the gymnasium, the first-year looked visibly upset. Without thinking, Kenma quickly started walking towards the gymnasium's entrance, which was on the other side of the space compared to where Kenma was at right now. 

"That wasn't cool," the second-year heard Bokuto speak, who was on the opposite side of the court Kageyama was at. Akaashi put his hand on the third-year's shoulder, "please, let's not get involved with this," the black-haired teen spoke at his teammate, who seemed to disagree with his friend. "No way," Bokuto answered, shrugging Akaashi's hand off his shoulder. "That was rude and uncalled for". Kageyama seemed to ignore his upperclassman's remark.

Kenma stood in front of Karasuno's part of the court now, he passed a few of Shoyo's teammates, who all seemed to be quiet, they must all have been very shocked at whatever had just taken place. Honestly, the second-year setter couldn't blame them. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Kageyama asked as he blocked Kenma's way. The second-year stopped walking and looked up at the taller, but younger teen. "Step away," Kenma replied, not caring about the height difference between the two. 

"This is all your fault you know?" the first-year setter looked at his upperclassman with an incredible amount of hatred in his eyes. Kageyama didn't seem to be in control of his emotions anymore, he looked angry, but there was no denying that the first-year looked incredibly sad too. It was like the raven-haired teen could start crying any minute now. 

"It's your fault that he's this tired now, did you do it to sabotage our team?", Kenma refused to answer and seemed to wait for the first-year to step aside, it didn't seem like that was going to happen anytime soon though. 

It was at that moment that the second-year setter felt a hand on his shoulder. "Don't talk to him like that," Kenma heard Kuroo's voice from behind him. 

"Kuroo, thank you, but don't worry about me, I got this," Kenma replied to his childhood friend, whose face seemed both annoyed at Kageyama as well as filled with worry for the second-year. 

"You say it was my fault," Nekoma's setter spoke up without stuttering. He made direct eye-contact with the first-year. "But how can you blame me, if it was you who made him cry and run off? I think you just harmed Shoyo more than I ever did and ever will, now if you'll excuse me," Kenma spoke as he slipped away from the third-year's touch and walked away from Kageyama. 

Nobody tried to stop Kenma as he left the gymnasium, he hoped to find the redhead whose wellbeing the second-year had gotten quite worried for.

Shoyo was nowhere to be found outside, so Kenma decided to enter the school building in hopes of finding the teen there. 

The first place Kenma checked was Karasuno's sleeping room, but of course, it wasn't going to be that easy. The setter scanned around the room, but Shoyo was nowhere to be found. The second-year also checked the other team's rooms, maybe the redhead had sheltered himself in one of the other rooms, but unfortunately for Kenma, he didn't have any luck in any of the other rooms either.

Since Kenma didn't know the layout of Shinzen's school he decided to check only one more place before asking for help. That place was the only other place he knew of within the building. 

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